Page 113 of Sinners are Winners

Then he was dropping a harsh kiss on my face and heading to the drawers on the other side of the bedroom.

I watched him move around, getting dressed.

He didn’t bother with a shirt, instead putting on a tight pair of Under Armour underwear that were so tight that I could practically see his pubic hair.

He followed them up with a pair of shorts that were short…and also tight.

Not as tight as his underwear, but they were tight enough to leave very little to the imagination.

Socks and shoes soon followed, followed shortly by his watch, a tight band that went around his chest right under his pecs, and his headphones.

I walked up to him and ran my finger along the black band around his chest, fingering it softly.

“Why do you wear this?” I asked curiously.

He pulled me in tight.

“It measures cadence and heart rate, and a whole lot of other stuff that I haven’t quite figured out the hang of yet,” he said. “It connects to my watch and tells me a lot of stuff about my stride, my performance, and things like that.”

“Oh,” I said. “Okay.”

His hand moved down my naked back, cupping my ass.

“When I get back, I want you naked in the bed waiting for me,” he growled.

I snorted.

“Sorry, Kemosabe,” I apologized. “But I have to get to work in a couple of hours, and that means that I don’t have time to laze around in bed all day.”

He gave me a disgruntled groan.

“Shit,” he said. “I forgot today wasn’t Saturday.”

I patted his chest. “Tonight. Before we leave.”

His eyes studied mine before nodding once.

“You’re on.”

Then he kissed me and was gone, and for the first time in hours, my brain was clear.

Chapter 15

If you ever hear someone talking shit about me, look them in the eyes and say, ‘You know they don’t give a fuck, right?’

-Lock to Logan


The first bit of bad news came an hour after we’d left.

Pulling over to the side of the road, I answered the call.

“Hello?” I said, not surprised to hear Captain Morgan on the other end of the line.

“Your house was broken in to,” Captain Morgan said without preamble. “Luckily the crew that was there working on your pool house saw it happening.” He paused. “One of the workers that had stayed behind to eat his lunch there saw it all go down, tried to follow the kid that did it, but was too slow. Got a make and model of the car that he got into, though. No license plate, however.”

Anger burned in my gut.