Page 15 of Saving Oakley

The goodbye that Ryker and Oakley had shared when they finally parted was still fresh in his mind, but this time, he wasn’t willing to take any chances. He walked her to the car, said goodbye, then watched her drive away until she was out of the lot before getting into his car.

Oakley had already become very important to him, and he decided to keep a close eye on her. He knew she needed extra assurance in some areas of their newly declared relationship, and she hadn’t outright rejected the idea of having a family together—which was an absolute must for him. However, she expressed her fears of becoming so busy parenting that she wouldn’t be able to maintain her career as a psychiatrist—which worried him because her job was not less important than his.

There was so much about Oakley that said forever, but he knew there were areas where she needed more reassurance. They hadn’t had much time to talk, only during the last few evenings, so it was very early days, but he knew that while the hours they spent this week hadn’t been much, it had cemented their desire to try. They also both acknowledged that talking while at a conference was easier. It flowed uninterrupted, unlike life back in their real, heavily scheduled life.

Oakley had communicated her fears of being so lost in the job of parenting that she didn’t maintain her practice. That she might even want to put her job on hold for her family, and that was something she felt unacceptable, especially at this stage of her career. Ryker did not point out that one changes as one continues on with life. Our priorities, desires, and goals all change as we do, but he kept his own counsel. It was something they could talk about later. Much later.

Over dinner the following evening, they finished the conversation, and Ryker left Oakley with another thought to occupy her mind concerning them. “Right now, we are both heavy on the side of career, but either of us might curtail our jobs at some point. We might want to work fewer hours, do daycare at work, work from home, or make any number of adjustments.”

“Oh, I forgot about all those alternatives. I guess we can work that out. I was so focused on the ‘build my practice’ scenario, the alternatives never entered my thoughts.”

“An additional, important thing that I’m looking at is if we don’t have children. Hell, sweetling, we aren’t even married, engaged, or exclusive yet. Not that I am not ready for exclusive, because I am. But don’t try to run all the races before we get to the starting gate.”

She gave him a sheepish look. “You’re right. I don’t know why I’m hung up on that one aspect, but I am. Exclusive, huh? Can we pend that for a bit?”

“Of course. But you should know that I am going to be exclusive, regardless. I can’t date two women at the same time.”

“Good to know. I’ll be too busy for more than one guy, but I want to reserve my decision. I was only going to have a conference fling, you know.”

“But I won you over.”

“You did.” Her smile was brilliant, with a touch of shyness.

Ryker hoped that meeting and getting to know Jac and his other friends, and seeing how their lives were full-steam ahead, even with children, would be a great help.

Wednesday dinner that week didn’t work out, as Ryker and Oakley found themselves deep in their work catching up. A case Ryker was working on had suddenly cracked wide open, and striking while the iron was hot seemed prudent. But they talked every night just before going to sleep at ten-thirty. It was close a couple of times for both as they tended to bring their work home, but they had agreed. On Friday, they met for their first sleepover at Oakley’s. They talked as they sat relaxing on the sofa.

“It seems hard to pull away and make time when I’m deep in research or writing notes. I haven’t had to stop until I’m ready, but after the last week, I’m finding that while we won’t be together except weekends, I am more rested because I have to be ready to sleep by ten-thirty,” said Oakley. “I hope that timeline doesn’t extend to our weekend because I’m sure we will be

“So that has helped you create better habits. I like it. I told you I was good for you, and we would be good together,” bragged Ryker. “I knew I was a workaholic, but I also get out of the office more times during the week than you do. I do a lot less one-on-one time with clients and more work behind the scenes. But weekends are not scheduled. We can stay up for as long as necessary.” His suggestive smile was met with Oakley’s shyly sexy response.

“You did tell me that, and getting outside more in a day might be a good thing as well.” Oakley grew quiet.

Ryker drew her into his arms while sitting on Oakley’s sofa. This was her weekend to host. He asked, “What’s going on? You seem to be worried about some problems.”

“I’m fine. It’s just been a week. I’m mentally tired and having difficulty relaxing.”

Ryker scooted around so he could massage her shoulders and neck. “Be still my heart,” she said. “This might be better than sex.”

“What? Absolutely not. When we’re done here, I’ll feed you and then show you just how wrong you are.”

“I’m looking forward to that demonstration.”

He kissed behind her ear, “Me, too.”

Later that evening they validated the understanding that sex was explosive between them, but the connection went so much further than the physical. He needed to take Oakley to the heights of ecstasy to find the same release. All night the air was thick with desire as Ryker and Oakley shared their passions. The scent of their mingled sweat and the feel of tangled sheets around them seemed to fuel their excitement.

The taste of Oakley’s lips on his was intoxicating, and her breathy moans in his ear sent shivers down his spine. They continued exploring each other’s bodies, their connection deepening with every touch and caress. It filled him to have her in his life, and he believed that she felt the same when she shared her words of passion. They had a connection he’d never had before. Strong. Vibrant. Real.

Ryker couldn’t believe how much he adored Oakley; his heart was so full of love that it felt like it might burst at any moment. He couldn’t get enough of her, couldn’t stop the overwhelming feeling of wanting to be with her for the rest of his days.

Each time he looked into her eyes, he felt like he was staring directly into her soul, seeing all of her beauty, her strength, and her vulnerability. And as they lay together in the afterglow, he couldn’t help but feel like he had finally found his true soulmate. He wouldn’t rush her, but Ryker knew that he’d found his forever in Oakley.

In the following weeks, Ryker and Oakley spent as much time together as possible, their attraction growing stronger with each passing day; whether in video chat, text, phone calls, or their weekend connections, it was becoming harder to go to separate homes.

There were days that Oakley had more to let go of than others. She said she had a few clients that made her earn her pay with them, but she understood her clients’ needs and felt she met them. Fall was in full color. The air was brisk, and Ryker was antsy.

He decided it was time to make the pronouncement that not only did he want them to be exclusive, although they already were, he wanted her to wear his engagement ring, but one step at a time. He wanted them to wake up every day together.