Page 11 of Saving Oakley

Chapter 4

What was she consentingto? Good question. What was on the table? Oakley had never connected to a man like she had connected to Ryker. But why? He was open about being bossy, harbored some antiquated thinking where men and women were concerned, and was unapologetic about any of it. And for some crazy, hormone-induced reason, she got chills of lust when she thought of him.

Why not have what would equate to a weekend fling? She would return to her office on Monday morning, and deal with medication adjustments and other people’s problems. And an empty condo. So, what was the harm? None that she could see. She’d asked around, and those who knew him gave him high marks in the decent guy category. Yes, it was risky, but sometimes, calculated risks are worth it.

“Just what are you offering that would need my consent?” she asked quietly but with obvious interest.

“Oh, sweetness. I have so much to say to that question, but I’d say, first, we could go to my room or yours and see how personally compatible we really are. If there are enough sparks, we could try out the bed. It’s early enough in the evening to figure out many answers to unasked questions. Are you willing to take a chance?”

“I’m not interested in forever, so I want you to know that going into this,” said Oakley.

“How about we don’t worry about that and just learn to enjoy each other? The rest will take care of itself.”


“Oakley, trust me not to go too far but just far enough.”


Oakley was amazed at how quickly Ryker got the attention of their barely conscious server, paid the check, and had her strolling outside to wait for their vehicle. She’d almost not finished her dessert. She knew he was eager to see where this could go, and so was she. Her imagination had already taken flight.

She wondered if she would be attracted enough to go down on him, but Oakley knew she wouldn’t allow him to go down on her. It was different for a man than a woman, even if it shouldn’t be. He had to be all into her, and even then, it might not be enough enticement. For women, sucking cock was fun, except she didn’t swallow. It wasn’t her thing, and no one had complained.

Was she as intimidating as some men had said? Maybe she shouldn’t even experience this crazy hookup because she liked Ryker and didn’t want to lose him as a friend. She turned in the seat, surprised she was already inside the car. And how did she get the seatbelt on?

“Oakley, stop. Whatever you are thinking, worrying about, or have had to go wrong in the past, that is not us. If you pull out a butcher knife and start jabbing the air, I’ll be pissed and likely not want to continue, but if you don’t intend on doing that or something similar, we’ll be fine.”

Oakley gave him an incredulous stare. Then she said with calm assurance. “Well, fine. If you intend on taking all the excitement out of the evening, we can go the boring route.”

Ryker nodded. “Yes, let’s do that for at least this first time. After that, we can negotiate.”

She gave him a sigh, and her countenance grew comically pouty. “If you say so.”

He laughed, and she joined in. They pulled into the hotel parking garage, and Ryker helped her from the car. “So, yours or mine?”

“Yours. I can return to my room if I want to later.”

“But you won’t want to. I can almost guarantee it.”

“We’ll see, Romeo.”