“Then it got interesting,” said Callie. “I was on the phone getting more information when Carter and Becky were coming out of the warehouse. Carter indicated it was time to go. I was ending my call with Sharlee when there was a shot and Carter yelling. Sharlee did her thing on the cameras while I did mine with the shooter.” She shrugged. “It was all good.”
“The shooter was Karl’s part-time clerk’s older brother Royce.” Kaden added his picture.
“Fuck,” said Levi.
“Right. So then we found my uncle shot in his office, so it wasn’t him behind this.”
“Partly,” said Garrett.
Jac stood in front of everyone, and he acted like he was a game show host with answers that the participants, in this case, his people, answered randomly.
“To begin with, the plane incident that I was trying to link to any of this shit has no link. It was a random or targeted act of sabotage by someone who had access to the hangar, whether by our carelessness or previous access, I don’t know, but the security end has been upgraded and adjusted. That won’t happen again.” Jac shook his head.
“Thank God for that,” Carter said.
“The reason the truck incident happened was our little band of criminals discovered that Becky was not happy with the inventory when her dad told the warehouse worker Carlos, Monty, and Karl. All part of the crime in progress. So, it was just their dumb luck that it played out the way it did. Royce was behind the wheel, under orders from his boss, to take care of the problem and there was no further plan. Monty told us that part. Then Monty got the information that Becky was at a friend’s party that night from her mom in conversation,” said Garrett.
“Who is the ringleader?” asked Mallory.
“Who is connected but never got his hands dirty?” asked Jac.
“There isn’t anyone,” said Mark.
“Wrong. So let me finish. The attempt was unsuccessful, and Becky didn’t stop diving into the inventory mess, so they needed to try again. Her car.”
“Okay,” said Monroe, “Tell us about the car bomb.
Jac continued. “It was Royce who planted the device. After the shooting, we identified him on the camera, and he confessed from the hospital. So that mystery is solved. He did it at the direction of his boss.”
“Which you still aren’t going to tell us,” said Callie.
“Hold on. So now to the boat parade.”
Mark nodded. “Right, that was done by Carlos, the warehouse worker who is also the son of Ramirez’s business associate.”
Jac nodded. “Yes, he was in with the group and has joined his buddies in jail. Then there was the phone call. That was traced to a burner phone, but it was sold in Tennessee, so we can assume it was someone that Becky had not met because she didn’t recognize the voice, and it didn’t seem disguised.”
“Next comes the warehouse,” said Levi.
Jac leaned against Sharlee’s computer desk. “Okay, hold onto your seats. Royce’s part, as we can see, was lackey. He did the truck run, the phone call, and the shooting. Nice shot, by the way, Callie.”
Callie grinned. “No one shoots at my family.”
Kaden said, “Damn straight.”
“Okay, so now we go on to Carlos. He had a connection to Ramirez and likely learned of the event and the guest list from his father, who was invited. So he attends with his parent and dresses so he can easily drop the jacket and look like a server. He does the deed, then when it didn’t happen as quickly as he needed it to, he bailed, threw back on his jacket, and pretended just to be returning from the head.”
“Not the boss, then,” said Ivy.
“Nope. But he did discover that Monty was skimming profits by selling to direct customers out of the warehouse, and so he blackmailed him to store more goods, drugs, in the warehouse. All initiated by his boss.”
“Then, onto Karl, who was selling illegal exotic animals from his home for the last few years.”
Becky looked at Jessie. “That’s where all his money came from.”
“Yep, but it gets better. When Karl discovered Monty selling things out of the warehouse and noticed the new boxes, heopened one and dumped it out. Having been discovered, Monty tells Karl that if he wants to continue his exotic trade, then he needs to look the other way with the boxes. They pay Karl’s storage fee to Becky’s father, but that’s it.”
“Now everyone is tied to everyone and yanking the leash when things are just right. It is definitely a house of cards they had going on. Becky could have brought everything down,” said Carter.