Becky nodded. “Me too.”
Sharlee spoke up. “Okay, we have the footage before and after the incident from when Carter brought Becky to where we were.”
Jac walked closer to the projected picture on the wall. “Run it backward. That’s the main focus for now.”
Sharlee or Kaden put it up on the screen, and everyone watched things happen backward, then forward, having it stopped to see specific parts slowly and then they reran through it again.
Ryker grumbled. “I hate this kind of surveillance camera. It pans. Fucking irritating.”
“Right, but if it was one of the normal staff, wouldn’t they know that? I mean, we can see who brought her the water. If you worked there regularly, you would know how the cameras worked and could avoid being caught.”
Mallory had a point. Monroe followed up. “That stands to reason, so if we go on that premise, this wasn’t a regular staff member, it is less likely to be Ramirez. Did he hire from outside to help serve?”
“Rebecca, keep notes.” The room went still. “Fuck. Sorry. I’ve done things a certain way for so long that I go on autopilot.Charlotte, will you please write down the issues to follow up on?” Becky frowned but said nothing.
Sharlee stared at her husband. “Do you want to run the program, then?”
“Point taken. That’s why we all need to stay in our place.”
Monroe raised his hand. “I gotcha, Jac.” He turned on the recorder on his phone, placed it in the center of the table and sat back.
Kaden continued. “Now, right here, it looks like when the girls were passing by because our people are cheering and waving, but then it pans again, and we miss the rest of the shot.” Kaden leaned back in his chair.
“Sharlee, see if they could have gotten more at that moment. Another camera, maybe.”
Mark swore as he watched from his screen at home. “Who put in this panning security system?”
Kaden spoke up. “I believe Levi, and I did. It can run continuously, and that is how we left it, but it has the option to pan only.”
“So,” asked Carter, “can we assume this was tampered with to put on sweep deliberately for this event?”
“Possibly,” said Kaden.
“We can see who gave her the bottle but only the back of his head. He lowered his head when he left the deck. So does that mean he knows the camera is there or figures this is a high-profile man giving the party, so there must be cameras?” Monroe leaned back in his chair and rubbed Mallory’s thigh.
“Another good point,” said Garrett.
“And why did we not think Ramirez had nothing to do with this?” asked Carter.
Jac turned to him. “We can’t be certain yet, but the evidence doesn’t point that way. He’s a shrewd businessman. He wouldn’t do that in his own house. Honestly, Becky only heard his side ofthe conversation and not all of that. It just isn’t enough, guys. Besides, Ramirez wasn’t sure what had happened. Just heard yelling, then screaming, then a rush and scramble. In fact, many people didn’t have any idea anything had happened. I know the guy isn’t always above board, but he wouldn’t piss in his drinking water, either.”
It was quiet momentarily before Becky said, “I think you’re right.”
“Me too,” said Ryker. “That begs the question, who wants to shut you up, Becky?”
Carter’s face tightened. Becky answered. “My uncle.”
The CCTV was removed from the screen, and a photo of Becky’s Uncle Karl appeared in front of a warehouse. Becky went on to tell about the phone call a week ago that made her think it might be him.
“And that is why I have to go to my parents’ house. I have to figure out how to fix this and watch out for them.”
Monroe, the only other Daddy besides Carter in a room of Doms, said, “That will not be happening, Little girl. You will not go anywhere alone. We have already said that, and I have no doubt Carter has also made that very clear.”
“But you don’t understand. I have to do something to keep them safe. I have to fix this mess.”
Finley, who usually stayed quiet, said, “Jessie is a forensic accountant, right? I bet she would be able to help you.”
“She has. That’s why I know my first concern is a real one.”