Page 51 of Saving Becky

Several days later, the invitation came, putting everyone on alert. Garrett said no outright, but Jac was still optimistic that Ramirez was not the one who had targeted Becky. He had a clear explanation as to why he said the things he’d said.

“It was impolite and bad business to have a conversation about one of my personal difficulties with my suppliers in your parking lot, but I was definitely not referring to you, Jac, or any of the others in your employ in the way you thought. I may have mentioned Jac and his team but that was in compliment only. Speaking derogatory to someone I wanted to do business with would have been the height of stupidity, and while I was indiscreet, I am not stupid.”

Jacquard and Associates stood to gain a number of very lucrative clients. Jac had entered into the contract with Ramirez,and it had been mutually beneficial so far. There had been no surprises, and his people were treated well. Besides, the best thing to do was keep a close eye on him; this was the easiest way. Being a bodyguard and monitoring security for Ramirez’s group put Jac in control. Just where he wanted to be.

Becky accepted the man’s explanation, but she didn’t believe it, not totally. But Jac and Garrett agreed that Garrett would have oversight of that contract because it would keep the contact at a minimum and, therefore, out of Becky’s office.

When Jac said that Ramirez was inviting Garrett’s team to his observation floor to watch the winter boat parade from his business’ balcony overlooking the river, Carter declined out of hand.

“Thanks for the invite, but we aren’t going. I still don’t trust him as well as you do, Jac.”

“Trust isn’t the question, because we are always guarded but there are some things I don’t worry about and that is being attacked while standing next to him.”

The next day, Monroe called Carter. “I understand why you said you don’t want to go to Ramirez’s place, but what better opportunity will we get to case the joint and figure out if he is hiding anything we need to know about?”

“Not with Becky.”

Monroe sighed loudly. “Don’t get so dominant you forget how to be open. That’s a sure way to go down the wrong road in a relationship. You can only afford to make all the decisions with Becky’s input. Consent is still the foundation of our lifestyle. Talk with her and see what she says.”

Carter was afraid of what she would say, but Monroe was right. He needed to give her the opportunity to make up her own mind. Not that she would ever go alone, and he still didn’t want her there at all, but agreement was important. Later that afternoon, he asked her.

“Carter,” he raised his eyebrows, “Daddy, if he isn’t the person doing these things, then I want to prove it, and this might help, but if he is, it might draw him out.”

“Baby, in the middle of a bunch of Jac’s crew? Not likely to draw him out.”

“Maybe, but don’t we have to try?”

Carter rubbed his hand over his forehead and into his hair. “I don’t want to do it, don’t want you there.”

“But you will, right? We can go?”

The squeal that Becky released made Carter want to grumble and smile. He loved it when she was excited but hated that it was because of this issue. He was going to be concentrating on her the whole time. He prayed the boat show was short this year.

SHARLEE AND JAC DECIDEDto bring Storm to the boat parade, and Finley came with them. Finley always accompanied Storm, but they and Ryker chose to watch from the inside, not the balcony. Finley’s standing orders were to protect Storm at all costs, and she would use all of her Marine training to do just that. Finley was briefed on how to get into the off-site designated safe rooms that were now equipped to add a toddler. Everyone but Storm was keeping vigilance over the situation.

Callie and Mallory were on Ivy’s boat being used by a local charity. Kaden was one of the judges, and since the boat was Ivy’s, she was captaining. Leaving the four of them on the water or the dock, Monroe and Garrett were positioned to watch where Becky and Carter were standing. Carter had tried to get Becky to watch from the inside windows, but Ramirez had insisted she watch from the better view on the balcony. Many others were invited and milling about inside and out.

Levi had the weekend off to take care of a bit of family business, but Ryker came for extra protection. His militarylegal career spanned twenty-one badass years. His civilian legal career made him highly sought after. Jac hired Ryker the minute Jac and Garrett agreed to start the business, and they were good friends. The men may have respectable businesses now, but they could still take down the enemy without breaking a sweat.

Jessie and Mark stayed home due to her bed rest. Not long after the group arrived at the modern glass and steel industrial building facing the river, Carter wanted to leave. He wasn’t impressed with the structure or Ramirez. Three men surrounded the businessman and Becky as Ramirez approached her.

“Miss Carrington, I am so sorry to have heard of your recent mishap. I have offered my services to your boss if you need any assistance in discovering what happened, and I now offer that to you.” He looked at Carter and then back at her. “Were you mine, I’d be burning down the town looking for the culprit.” Ramirez took a measured look around him, “I know your friends are doing the same. I am at your service.”

Becky wasn’t sure what to say, but it needed to be appropriate. “Thank you for your offer. I’m sure Jac will be in touch if that need ever arises.” Ramirez walked off to another part of the room. Becky accepted a bottle of water graciously opened by the server before moving closer to the center-left of the group. She absently uncapped the bottle, taking a healthy drink. Ugh, a little bitter. She made a face. It tasted a little different, but it might have been the brand. She was unfamiliar with it. Recapping the bottle, she looked for her friends’ boat to pass in front of them on the river.

When Callie and Mallory waved from Ivy’s decorated vessel, Becky and the men waved back and cheered for them. The music from the float ahead of them was loud, and Becky felt herself being jostled forward hard. She was nauseous and her head felt heavy. She could feel herself being literally heaved upover the rail. The pressure was already gone when she had the wherewithal to yell, leaving her top heavy over the reinforced fencing. Then she screamed. Suddenly her legs were grasped by steel hands, and her waist was wrapped in the bulky arms of another.

“Go limp, Bec.”

She did. Within the blink of an eye, she was against the door to the balcony and inside, where warm air accosted her cold limbs. The look she gave Carter must have conveyed her terror because he carried her to a sofa in the corner of the room and held her almost too tight to allow breathing, but it was what she needed.

“Go, go, go!” she heard Jac yell, and suddenly Becky was being rushed from the room in confusion.

Chapter 15

“Go. Go. Go!” said Jac. “Charlotte, haul your ass out of here. Send a message to Kaden and Callie once you are clear of this building. Tell them we are en route to Papa Bear’s house. There is a mandatory regroup.”

“What the fuck happened?” Jac asked over the melee that followed. It appeared to be more confusion than fear. “Never mind. Exit the building. Regroup once we are all out.”