Page 46 of Saving Becky

Before, when she had a problem or something Carter couldn’t easily work out, he would back up when she needed him to push forward. He would take the easy way out, the one that said he was just doing what she wanted. When, in reality, she wanted her Daddy, bold as brass, to tell her no and take over. When they went off bodyguard duty the first time, Carter backed off and gave her space. Not completely, but some. She didn’t know how to handle that but now, it sucked.

A voice in the back of her mind told her to tell him. It was her responsibility to tell him if she wanted or didn’t want something in their relationship, but she always had a hard time doing that. She could hear Carter in her head saying, “If you want to be heard, you have to make a noise.”

It didn’t matter. Becky was going to see her sister. The one who thought Becky had thrown her life away working as Jac’s assistant. Actually, she called Becky his secretary, and said it was a degrading position. Trish didn’t understand how much it meant to Becky to be at the center of everything that was going on in the building. Where everyone was, what their job was, and the strategies behind their assignments gave meaning to her position. Jac wanted her input, and he put stock in it. That said a lot considering the team’s considerable experience. She didn’t want to give that job up, but what else could she do? It wasn’t fair to Jac.

She picked up her phone, entered the main bathroom and locked the door.


“Becky? What’s wrong?”

“Can I come and visit for a little bit? Just a couple of days. I need to breathe different air.”

“Did that behemoth or his monster friends do something to you?”

“What? No, no, they’re wonderful. I just need a little break, and I don’t think I’m comfortable going to Mom and Dad’s house right now.”

“God, I heard. Someone tried to bomb your car?”

“Me! Someone tried to kill me, Trish!”

Her sister hadn’t called her after that incident. She’d let things settle. While Becky tried to devise a viable excuse as to why her sister couldn’t generate enough interest to check in on her only sibling, it was possible that she didn’t think it was a real threat or maybe she wasn’t in the country or something. Regardless, she would have broken the sound barrier to get to Trish if the tables were turned. It was time to admit that her sister was all about herself. Becky was biologically connected, but since she couldn’t tell Trish what she did or that the company did more than security, Trish dismissed her as uninteresting. Boring. A waste of her time. And didn’t that suck to have to admit that?

“Are you okay now?”

Becky did love her sister, though. “I’m good.”

“Great. Sorry to rush away, but I have a date for an opening, and I can’t be late. I don’t want the play to start without me. Actually, you can’t gain entrance to this thing after a certain time. Something about interrupting the creative flow. Whatever, so I have to go. We’ll talk soon, okay?”

Becky sighed. “Okay. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

She disconnected the phone. Becky used to love her life, but right now, she almost hated it. She finally got Carter to admitwhy he was hesitant about kids and then agreed they could have children in the future. Now, this messed up bomb thing. It was likely a mistake, which is what Carter said, but she couldn’t believe it. She didn’t think he did either. Wrong house or wrong vehicle? Or the right house and wrong car? Becky stopped dead in her thoughts. That could mean they meant it for Mom or Dad. Whoever the hell “they” were. Or, the right vehicle, the right house, and she was the intended target. But why?

After thinking more about it, Becky decided she had to get back there. She had no choice but to determine whether it was for her or her parents, and then figure out why. Becky came barreling out of the bathroom and ran into the immovable wall named Carter.

“What is going on here? Did you send Jac a resignation letter? And what the hell, calling Trish and asking to stay with her for a few days?”

“Change of plans. I mean on where I’m going. Gotta go make sure my parents are okay and that no one is targeting them.”


She kept trying to get around him. He was always stopping her from doing things she wanted to do. Even as she thought it, she knew it wasn’t true.


“No. I’m not stopping. I have to check on them; they’re my parents. I’ll stay there until we figure this out.”

“I had Jac call Nick Sharp, who is upgrading the security at your parents’ house. It’s going to be tested today. That’s what brought me to look for you when I got that message from Jac about your resignation. That is something we will discuss after this system is synced in and tested. Then you can dial in at any time or stay tapped in at all times.”

“I have to be there. I’m going. You don’t get it. Your parents aren’t in danger.”

“Like hell you are.” He swept her into his bulky arms and carried her over his shoulder, ass up and landing a flurry of damn hard slaps to her backside.

“Stop. Pickle juice!”

Carter stopped spanking her and rubbed her bottom until they were in the bedroom, where he laid her on the bed and sat beside her. “You safe-worded me. Why? What’s wrong?”