Page 44 of Saving Becky

She looked at him with a sigh. “I get it. I’ll work from home, but I don’t know why it’s safer there than here. Actually, I submit it isn’t. Sir.”

Callie nodded. “She has a point.”

“Levi, go home with Carter and make some upgrades to their security.”

“I’ve got as good as Kaden’s system,” said Carter.

Mark shook his head. “Come with me to the supply room, my friend. Let me show you what you really need.”

“Okay, Becky, you can stay in the computer room with Sharlee and Kaden and give them some information about some of the key players, and then Carter can come and grab you when they are ready.”

“But what about your phones and appointments, and assignments and...”

“Monroe, do you have your rubber paddle here?”

“Okay, okay. But you will be sorry I’m not there.”

“I will miss you because you know everything about everything, including me, but I will not wish you were in the office where people expect you to be. You are special to all of us, and there is no discussion about keeping you safe. It will happen.”

Garrett sent them off with an admonition. “No one goes anywhere or does anything iffy until they have cleared it with me. Have I made myself clear, ladies and gentlemen? No going rogue under any circumstances.”

There were nods, but Carter knew that was lip service. It was Becky who needed protection, and they would do whatever it took to make that happen. He escorted Becky to the computer room.

“Feeling a little sassy today, I see,” said Carter.

“Frustrated and unheard.”

“Oh, baby, we hear you and understand that you are used to running everything from your command center, we depend on that and know whom to go to when we have a question about nearly anything, but it isn’t safe. Someone knows your office’s direct number from the outside. They got to you without going through the switchboard or our main line. That means it’s closer than we first thought. And yes, unfortunately, that means that one of our people, present or past is threatening you. That can’t happen. So, for now, you play by my rules.”

“When is it ever any different?” she complained.

“Never when it concerns your safety, so buckle up and hang on because I’m driving this boat.” He dropped a kiss on her lips and came back for another sweet taste. “Mmm, better get out of here before I embarrass myself and you.”

“Why can’t I ever stay mad with you?”

“Because you know I love you every minute of every day, and Daddy is always right.”

Carter headed toward the basement and their security systems supply room, the adrenalin pumping.

The hunt was on.

Chapter 13

Karl sounded exasperated. “Let me show you. I borrowed some of James’ space, and I know I didn’t tell him, but he had an unused corner of the warehouse, so I borrowed it when I got a great deal on some items and ran out of storage on my half. Come down on the weekend, and I’ll show you.”

“The things that are said to be in the boxes couldn’t be there, and they can’t be as small as they say. And why are they in Dad’s inventory?”

“Because they were counted with his.”

“But there wasn’t a line item created to put the stock alerting to whomever took the inventory that it did not have an invoice.”

Karl hesitated. “Right, because it’s my inventory.”

“Fine but who counted it for Dad’s? It was done intentionally. I have a forensic accountant looking at this, and she agrees with me. We took measurements and calculated what it could hold. Then we followed the invoices, and finally reviewed the count. The inventory that was too much wasn’t new inventory. It was the exact same inventory, only more than was purchased. In other words, the items in the inventory weren’t new or unidentified on the surface, like would have happened if you found a random good deal. No, this is fishy.”

“How can that be? No, you’re wrong.”

“They seemed to be multiples of the same items only bought from someplace else or never bought at all because they have no invoices or payments to show the transaction ever happened, meaning it was a bad attempt at a cover up of some kind. I thinksomething else could be in those boxes. They aren’t as they are labeled or something.”