Page 30 of Saving Becky

“I am. Sorry about that. Just thinking.”

“Okay, Rebecca, let’s get your business out of the way and then we can go onto last week’s recap of finished assignments and this week’s jobs to decide from.” Jac looked directly at her. His voice was precise but gentle. “We have done as much background work as we can, and while he is a royal asshole, there is no indication that Ramirez is the reason for your snow escapade. We found he was somewhere else at the time of theaccident, and his top goons were with him. It doesn’t mean he couldn’t have done it, but he consistently uses his trusted few for most jobs.”

“Okay, so who was it?” asked Becky.

“And that is a question I don’t know if we will ever answer,” said Garrett.

Sharlee nodded. “It seems likely that it was a random act of aggression not targeting you but choosing you out of convenience of place and time.”

“So, I was at the right place at the wrong time.”

Monroe shook his head. “No, young lady. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m sure Carter has expressed disappointment in finding you on the road, alone, after dark, in the cold, having imbibed several drinks beforehand.”

Becky wiggled at the memory and nodded. “He has. I’m sorry for diverting you from going home just to deal with me and my stu-issue.”

Monroe nodded. “Thank you, but your issue, as you put it, could have ended in your death. You are much more important to us than getting home on time. However, don’t do anything that risky again, or whether Carter takes care of you or not, I’m bringing out my rubber paddle.”

Carter laughed. “I might have to borrow that sometime.”

Becky blushed because while others thought it was a scare tactic, she knew it was because she might like it. Best keep some secrets between her and Carter.

Jac continued. “What I’m saying is stay alert, but all indications are it isn’t something more nefarious than it appears.”

Becky nodded. It made more sense that it was an intentional accident. If she was a victim, by chance, she could handle that. She leveled a stern look at the alphas in the room. “Okay, so allfollowing me around is done with. I am returning to business as usual but will be more cautious.”

Mark, the most serious of the bunch, said, “And use the phone when you need anything.”

“Yeah, or Sharlee will make you use her tracking program.”

The room nodded as though in agreement. “That is an excellent idea,” said Sharlee.

“No, I’m fine. You know I never could get that thing to work right.”

Carter leaned over and whispered in her ear. “That would mean more freedom for you, little girl. Or, you can have me keep underworked associates continuing to follow you.”

“I’ll talk to Sharlee later.”

“Good girl,” said Carter. And she was aroused and needed clean panties. Just. Like. That.

The weekend was quiet. Her parents had something going on so a trip home this weekend was out. Becky asked Sharlee if she and Jac would go out to dinner or something so she could bring Carter over to watch Storm.

“Pick a day when Finley is going out with either Ryker or Levi.”

“Sure, but why?”

“I want to prove to Carter that all kids aren’t afraid of him and that he’d make a great dad.”

“Did the contract Mallory gave you not work?”

“I didn’t use it. I wanted to make sure that I understood Carter’s reasoning, and after he finally told me, I figured I could prove to him that he was wrong. We talked and worked a lot of things out. Storm is an easy kid and is familiar with both of us. I thought pushing Carter over the line with proof might be the way.”

“Okay, did he agree to it?”

“Well, he agreed that he loves Storm, and that Storm isn’t afraid of him. Does that count?”

“No, but it’s good enough. I want it known though, that if you get in hot water over this, remember I did not encourage you. I just went on a date with my husband.”
