Page 28 of Saving Becky

“Don’t be naughty right when I’m about to fuck you. I’m taking your sopping pink entrance, and you’ll let me. I’m not going to be gentle about it, baby. This is part of your punishment for putting yourself in danger and almost dying. For ignoring our rules. How could you still think my baby isn’t perfect for me? That she won’t always be perfect for me?”

He thrust his cock in hard and fast, taking her breath away. Her throbbing body’s response was, “Yes!”

He was taking what he wanted from her, and Becky was desperate to give it to him. He pounded into her roughly, his fingers biting into the flesh at her hips. Finally, as the waves of pleasure peaked, she cried out in sheer ecstasy as she experienced the long-awaited orgasm that mixed with her tears. Beautiful release. That last piece of the puzzle that said his disappointment was gone; his love was all that was left. She was free of regret and guilt. All was right in her world again.

One climax rolled into another as she peaked and just as she succumbed to the tranquil peace, another wave rose and overtook her. Somewhere in the harsh beauty, she heard his roar of release and he slammed into her almost violently, taking what he wanted, and she was left to exist in the shattered bits of her fireworks. It was breathtaking, brilliant, exhaustingly destructive, and healing.

They lay on the wide couch as they caught their breath and snuggled. This was a required activity, according to Carter. Becky had never had sex as she had with Carter, nor had she experienced such a complete cleansing as Carter could give her. She’d never felt as whole as when she had connected with this man. But now it was his turn. They dozed for a while as Carter idly played with her nipples and kissed her gently in the interludes of sleep. Finally, Becky spoke.

“It’s your turn,” she said.

“You don’t forget things when it’s something you want,” chuckled Carter.

She wiggled and hissed as her backside rubbed against the leather material on the sofa. Without a word, Carter pulled her up on his belly, and he arranged himself to be comfy as she wiggled on his partially aroused cock.

“Woman, we have had enough for right now, and if your backside isn’t tender enough, you are in a good position for me to help that out.”

“No, no, I’m good. Sorry. But it’s your turn to clear the air.”

Carter sighed. He patted her bottom, feather-light. She hissed anyway. He smiled as she knew he would. It was their dynamic, and it fed her soul.

“Okay, so I told you I didn’t want kids, and that wasn’t the whole truth. I do want them, but what I didn’t know, or at least hadn’t admitted to myself, was that I’m afraid to have children.”

When Carter said nothing more for a few minutes, Becky raised her head from his chest and looked into his eyes. His vulnerability was easily seen, and that told her what she needed to see. He didn’t have to say anymore if he didn’t want to, but she hoped he did. The painful inevitability of his agony over this subject pierced her heart. And hurting Carter was never something she wanted to do. But she took a breath and slowly let it out as she waited.

Not allowing him to purge this from his system and clear the air was an injustice for both of them, and she wouldn’t do that. Just as the spanking cleared the debt she felt she owed their relationship and had swept away the guilt, he needed this to go on. This didn’t need to stand in the way of their happiness. He had the power to break the bond this had over him, over them.

“Take your time.” She kissed his chest. “I love you.”

Carter rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. “I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’m a big man. Adults seem to be able to deal with that pretty well but children, not as much. I can’t tell you how often I’ve encountered small children or even older ones who hid behind their parents or screamed when they looked up and I was standing there. Even when I sat down on the floor with them, they did not want to interact with me. I frightened them. I don’t want to frighten my own children. It would destroy me.”

“It never dawned on me that your size would frighten children, but I had begun to wonder if it were something like that. To know you is to love you, honey. You’re so gentle and kind. Kids would love you if they could get to know you. I’m sorry that has been your experience, but I can guarantee that our children will never be intimidated by you, scared of you, or any of those other things you have experienced. You’ll be their father. No one will be more representative of safety and comfort than you.”

“You will have the market cornered on comfort.”

“Maybe, but you are who they will expect to protect them, play with them, be their security in life and their big teddy bear. You are all they will have ever known. They won’t know anything about what other people think or that you’re too tall, big, or anything else. All they will know is you are theirs.”

“I hadn’t thought that if I was with them from the beginning, they wouldn’t have any concerns. I’d be normal to them. Hell, what was I thinking of waiting and pushing you away?”

“You thought that it would break your heart if that happened. And you figured it was always going to happen. But if you had trusted me with your secrets, I would have been able to help you think them through. And a side effect of having children who think you are just perfect as their dad is the other children who know them will also think that. They will follow your children’s lead.”

Carter seemed to digest her words as Becky slipped her hand up his tee shirt and rested her hands on his hot skin, feeling the hills and valleys of his muscled belly.

“Storm doesn’t have any trouble with me, but I just figured it was because he was used to me, and all the men in his life were big.”

“That might be because he has known you since he was born. You’re one of his people.”

“How did you get so smart?” asked Carter.

Becky lifted her head from his chest and grinned. “Some people are just born lucky.”

A playful slap landed on her sore backside. She squealed and then moaned. “And some smart people have no common sense. I guess this is the time to tell you I didn’t wear a condom when I took you tonight. You are still on your birth control, right?”

Becky paused and then shrugged. “I am. I should be okay. Maybe.”

“Get up, baby.”

She pouted. “Why?”