Page 25 of Saving Becky

“Well, I’m sure your income helps.”

Carter paid for everything except some food and the personal items she snuck in. He wanted to pay for the things she bought, but a girl had to pay her way somehow. Yes, it fattened their savings account, and this summer would pay for a swimming pool if she could commission it and pay for it before he caught on.

“I hate that you’re wasting part of your weekend to verify that Monty made a mistake, but your mother will be glad to see you.”

“I’m excited to see you too.”

THAT EVENING, AS BECKYand Carter were having dinner, Asian takeout, she found she was still thinking about the inventory.

“Don’t you like your dinner? It’s your last takeout this week, so you had better enjoy it. I said I’d cook dinner tonight.”

“You did, but I never know when you’re coming home on these types of assignments, and I didn’t want to cook. I was hungry.”

“This is the last time, get me? If you pick up fast food before next weekend, there will be consequences.”

“But I like variety.”

“I do too, but you have had egg rolls and orange chicken tonight, burger and fries another night, and you brought home pasta on Monday. No veggies on any of these choices. I’m putting my foot down. A bunch of empty calories with little nutritional value.”

You can’t afford to gain weight, is what she heard.You’re too fat.She knew Carter was just kind and not saying what he thought aloud, but she could hear it in her head. Suddenly, her enjoyment was gone. Everything lost its taste. Becky put down her egg roll and wiped her hands on her napkin before putting it on her plate. After taking a moment to swallow her hurt, she used her hands to push off the table to stand, and even that embarrassed her. I can’teven stand without help.

I will not cry. I will not cry.Not in front of Carter, anyway. As she entered the kitchen, big fat tears heated her cheeks as they rolled down to drip off her chin. She scrapped her plate in the garbage disposal before placing her plate in the dishwasher, she leaned on the sink and tried to control the flow. Just as she lost the fight, she felt powerful arms wrap her tight, signalingher push to hide from the only man she had ever truly loved, defeated.

His deep, warm voice sent painful longing through her body. “Come on, baby, let me hold you. I need to comfort you.” Once she turned to bury her face in his shirt, the dam wall, supported by her willpower, burst, and the flood of tears quickly made the front of his shirt soggy.

He picked her up, and the thoughts running through her mind unchecked ran out of her mouth without one filter operational.

“I’m sorry I’m too heavy,” she said as she tried to escape his arms.

He stood stock still. “I thought that was it. Rebecca Shea, Daddy is going to spank you so hard. You know that isn’t true. You also know I was talking about nutrition, not calories, body size, or any other nasty things your brain is trying to tell you. I owe you anyway for the same thing when we came home from the hospital. For not loving my baby the way I do, unconditionally. You know what I think?”


He chuckled. “Too bad. What I think is you have been working on your dad’s paperwork a lot lately and that brings you to think about home, your parents, and your mom and sister who always made little side comments about your weight.”

He might be on to something, but it still hurt. She started a fresh round of crying and felt his soothing touch as he rubbed her back. Nonsensical things were coming out of his mouth. It was what he did to ease her. The sound of his voice and the feel of his protective arms around her gave Becky the comfort she longed for.

Finally, after sitting in his lap for a while, she’d cried all the tears. Hiccupping on occasion, Carter patted her back one last time, held her away from his shirt, and ended her hiding.

“We have talked about this, haven’t we? Your body image. I could have had my pick if I had wanted a woman with tiny boobs and no butt. I love your curves, spankable ass, and more than a handful of breasts. It feels like you are a real woman, not a paper doll. I’m a big man, honey and I don’t care what you look like. If you’re happy, I’m more than happy because I love your curves. But if you lost a little weight or gained weight, I’d still love you, want you, desire you. You’d still be mine.”

“But my tummy isn’t nearly as flat as it used to be and nothing like Callie’s. My hip bones aren’t protruding like Ivy’s.”

“Really? Now don’t get me wrong, I love Ivy like a sister, but she doesn’t have anything I want in body style. She’s great for Kaden, but for me, I need to cuddle with something soft.”

“But soft means squishy.”

“And that’s bad because...?”

She sighed. “I’m not a stuffed bear and I don’t look good in a bathing suit.”

“That turquoise number you wore last time we were at Jac’s was hot. I jumped in the pool to hide my erection because my trunks sure weren’t doing it.”


“Yeah, oh. Now you owe me twenty for that and the last little comment about your weight and me carrying you. Then I never made you pay for the ten swats for seven days you owed me for taking off from Kaden’s at night.”

“You can’t give me thirty in one night?”