Page 19 of Saving Becky

“Hey, baby, you need to eat something.” The clatter of their lunch items set down on the coffee table brought her awake, but she was groggy.

“Sleepy? Do you want to eat later?”

Carter’s voice was like a warm summer breeze flowing over her still bruised senses, comforting Becky in ways she could only feel and making her needy bits even more hungry for him.

“No, I’m hungry, I’m just in a fog.”

With Carter’s help, she scooched herself to sit against the pillow and pulled up her blanket, wrapping it around her, drawing on its comfort. It’s security. It was a poor substitute for being in Carter’s arms but then she looked at him, wondering if he was going to just pick her up because she could see he had an agenda.

“You okay like that?” Becky nodded. He put his lip on the edge of the soup spoon before lifting it to her mouth. “Good. We have things to discuss.”

Chapter 6

Carter watched his girl’s expression as the emotions attached to her thoughts flitted across her face. It was a good thing that she didn’t play poker because she would never win. And that’s just how he wanted her, open, honest, and genuine. Sometimes though, it got in the way of protecting her, like now.

Becky needed more than she had ever shared, and that probably came from her growing up in a family and environment with a more stoic outlook on life. When you’re faced with an obstacle, you have two options: face it head-on regardless of the effects on yourself or turn away and ignore its existence. For Carter, neither of those things would work, and it had taken a while before he and Becky had come to an understanding.

If it was something that Becky did not want to manage herself, that’s when she handed it off to Carter, but under no circumstances was she to ever ignore a problem because it only got bigger. And the bigger it got, the more unwieldy it became. His girl had found herself over his lap many times while learning that concept, but he thought she eventually got it because she came to him more often now.

The newest situation with Becky, however, showed that wasn’t always the case. She knew something or thought something or misunderstood something, and it had become a problem, and instead of coming to him, she had ignored it. He didn’t know what that was exactly, but he had no intention of her hiding it any longer. It was time to take over.

He fed her a few more bites before speaking again. “We need to talk about things. Set some ground rules.”

“Carter...” Her heavy sigh communicated the rest of her sentence.

“Rebecca Shea, you will hear me out. I’m speaking as your lover and your Dom.”

“I get that I scared you, and you weren’t there to stop bad things from happening to me. I get that it rubs you the wrong way when you think things might be out of your control, but I’m careful, and putting more rules in place won’t help.”

Carter could feel his stomach muscles clench. He needed to clarify before he headed in the wrong direction. “Are you saying our dynamic no longer works for you?”

“No. I love who we are. I love you taking over when I need it, but it can’t be because I had an accident.”

“So are you saying the incident was not deliberate because it was a different story earlier.”

“Honestly, I believe it was a deliberate act but maybe done randomly. The thing is, if I treat it as an accident, I can deal with things better. If I don’t, I might be scared out of my mind.”

Her sentence ended in a whisper, and Carter had to hold himself back, but it was almost impossible. He knew they wouldn’t get it all out if he gave in and cuddled before they were done.

“If you think it was no accident, then I have no choice but to go on that. I’m sorry if you would rather forget this mess ever happened, but I can’t. I don’t know what I would do without you. If you were hurt on my watch, I would never recover if I lost you,” Carter took a deep, shaky breath. “Hell, even knowing you are safe and sound right in front of me gives me heart palpitations when I think of last night. “

Carter had to touch her more than he currently was with his hand on her extended leg. Standing, he arranged the lunchcloser to the end of the sofa and scooped her up from the recliner and relocated them to the sofa. He never wanted to put her down or stop touching her. But she was hurt, so doing more than taking care of her immediate needs would have to wait until she felt better. But it didn’t mean he couldn’t cuddle her.

Becky squealed, and Carter automatically smiled. He loved that sound, and he usually heard it with his head between her thighs, feasting on her pink bits.

“Daddy, you didn’t warn me.”

“I love it when you call me Daddy. It fills me up.”

Becky smiled sweetly. “I know. It makes me happy too.”

“I think we need to lay a few things on the table here. I’m confused, and you could straighten me out.”

She plopped back in his arms and sighed heavily as her look of resignation said so much. “Fine. What is it?”

“You’re a Little or you’d like to be.”

“I am not. I’ve never said that.”