Page 18 of Saving Becky

She was sustained by this relationship. Her thoughts were screaming in painful fear that was stronger than the physical discomfort her headache was causing, Becky needed to know that Carter believed her. It was important. She needed to know he was on her side and trusted her thinking.

He looked into her eyes, studying her. “No, but I wondered, at first, if it was because you were in your head that you missed the signs. But you’re right, that’s not logical given the facts. There are too many loose ends, why would someone dump the snow in a drainage ditch in front of the house? And why had no other houses had their snow plowed? Why did it stop plowing after this house? Because it was obvious that is what happened. No, baby, I know something isn’t right here.”

Becky shivered. “Thank you for believing me.”

“Bec, I’ll always believe you. Come on, we have to get inside. You’re getting chilled.” Before she could remind Carter that she could walk, he slid his other arm to her back, tightened his hold, and lifted her.

“My bag.” She didn’t carry a purse so much as a bag she used for a purse.

“I’ll grab it after I get you on the sofa. And if you argue, I’ll swat that behind, regardless of the headache. Got me? I’m taking care of my Baby Bear.”

She did get it. Carter was shifting into Daddy mode—hard, and she could feel herself slide into what she called her pampered headspace. She leaned in to smell his Daddy scent which was different from his Carter scent. She couldn’t explain it, but Daddy smelled like heated leather and warm spice. Carter smelled like energy, man musk, and sizzled.

Daddy was comfortable, and Carter was strength. When Daddy was home, he had a quiet authority that no one would question, but gave you that feeling of seclusion, safety, andhome. Carter was muscle and power. He manipulated the world around him to secure her.

Daddy was stern, a rule-maker, an enforcer. And he was her disciplinarian, which included spankings for naughty and fun times. Carter was denied orgasms, extended teases, and spankings, because when he kissed her, suckled her, cherished her, she was loved. And both experiences were hers in one man. Women who wanted two men just wanted one Carter.

Becky knew to sit when those emotions evoked by his dominance filled her as few other things did. Strength flowed through his words, wrapping around her like a warm, weighted blanket. His attention to detail was meticulous in all areas of his life, but when it pertained to her, it felt as though he directed all his attention on her, for her comfort, her protection. She belonged to him, as she would never belong to another soul, and if Becky allowed herself to dwell on the significance of it all, she might drown in the fears of the insignificant. The thought that something could happen to him, and she would no longer have him could bring her to tears. But she was normally a look-on-the-bright side kind of person so it was not someplace she would go when he held her in his arms.

“Rebecca Shea, pay attention to Daddy.” Becky turned to connect with her lover, eye to eye, and nodded but wasn’t sure if she’d missed something important.

“Reach into my pocket and grab my keys.”

She reached into his front pocket, and her hand felt around until it nudged his penis, thoroughly aroused. She lifted her eyebrow and giggled.

“Oh, my. Um... do you need me to take care of something for you, Sir?”

“No, and my back pocket, baby. My dick can wait until you’re well, and then you will take care of things. It’s been a while since I’ve had you where I wanted you.”

Becky nodded because she knew she’d avoided sex with him these last weeks. She missed it too.

“And you wanted me to look where exactly?”

“Pay attention, baby. Grab the keys and unlock the door, little girl, before I toss you over my shoulder and do it myself. I don’t think your head would handle that too well.”

While she hurried to get the keys and unlock the door, she spoke jokingly, “You could carry me around instead of lifting weights.”

She laughed. He greeted her with a Machiavellian look giving her a tremor of anticipation of what he had in store for her when she was feeling better. Even though he hadn’t slept well last night while in her hospital room, Carter was making sure that she had everything she needed. He should have been grumpy, but he wasn’t.

“I could carry you if you like, but I wouldn’t get enough of a workout.”

“Or too much of one,” Becky murmured.

Putting her feet on the floor, he closed and locked the door. “That’s ten, Baby Bear, payable when you are well again.”

“Hey, what was that for?”

“Think about it; I’m sure you will figure it out. I’ll help you if you haven’t answered your question by the time I’ve finished my phone calls and made us some lunch.”

“Oh, I can make lunch.” A sharp pain shot through her bottom cheek. “Okay, I won’t then. I’ll sit in the living room.”

“Good. While you still can. How about in the recliner unless you want me to put you to bed?”

She shook her head and hissed. “No, I’ve had enough time in bed, thanks. I’ll just sit in the recliner.”

“Good plan. I’ll bring you a blanket and pillow in case you get tired.”

Instead of arguing she wasn’t tired, Becky let him fuss. She loved it. She had already pushed a button unintentionally by referring to herself as overweight. Becky didn’t usually miss that, but the thoughts crept back occasionally and tripped her up. Shoot, she really was feeling tired. Likely the effect of the pain medication they gave her for her headache and body aches. But the actual ache was deep in her core. Carter in charge was a sight to behold. Becky sighed deeply, a contented and submissive sound as if all the world’s worries had been washed away.