Page 13 of Saving Becky

Becky tried. The world was deathly silent. It seemed even nature was holding its breath. Becky’s head hurt so badly, and she was so very cold.

“I can’t,”she said to her mind Carter.“You do it.”

“Rebecca Shea. You. Can. Do. It. Slowly move your body. What moves the most?”

“My hands. I can move my hands if I wiggle a little more. But it hurts to move.”

“I know, Baby Bear, but do it anyway.”

She thought about what a mean boyfriend he was because her head hurt and she was so tired, but his voice was so warm and inviting, she had to do it so she could cuddle in his arms. He would warm her up with his hot-natured body.

“I want a hot bath, and chocolate, and snuggles, and oh, it’s coming out! My hand is coming out! If I can just... there!”The heat from her breath had cleared the area around her mouth, and she stuck her tongue out to touch the snow.

“No. Do not do that. Keep your mouth closed to hold in as much heat as you can, baby.”

Becky pouted.“I’m tired.”

“Don’t stop now. You aren’t done. Work your other hand out. You should have more room now. Get your face out of the snow.”

“But I want to sleep, Daddy.”

“I know, baby, but just a little bit more.”

“I’m so cold.”

“Becky, get out of that snow.”He was yelling. Why was he yelling? Her Carter never yelled. Ever. He was a good Daddy. He cuddled and... Oh! I can breathe better. Cold. So cold.

Her hands were free, but her arms were still partly snowbound. She worked free enough to finish clearing the area around her face. Becky quit thinking and went on autopilot. She focused all her energy to get out. Exhausted, she got all but her legs out before she gave up the fight. She had her phone zipped inside her coat breast pocket, and she worked to get her fingers to wiggle free enough to unzip the pocket.

She looked around and, at first, was confused why she didn’t see Carter. She was nauseous, and her head hurt so bad. She was stiff from the cold, and her exposed skin was numb. Even her gloved hands were numb.Call Carter.

She couldn’t hold her fingers still enough at first to hit the number 1 key, which was Carter. Her gloves made it extra difficult, but she refused to take them off. Carter would be upset with her, and it wasn’t a good idea since she was freezing already. Finally, after multiple fumbling tries, she got it. Pulling the phone to her ear, she listened to the ringing. Fear thathe wouldn’t answer cluttered her mind and crowded out her hopefulness.

“Becky! Thank God. Baby, where are you?”

“I... I’m in the s-snow at the end of our d-drive.” She said, unable to say more.

“Okay, baby, I’m just down the road. I’m coming. Don’t hang up.”

She didn’t answer but dropped her hand. She couldn’t stand up out of the snow.“That’s okay, Becky,”her mind told her.“Carter is coming. Just a couple of minutes.”

She saw several car lights on slow-moving SUVs, and a big truck, Carter’s truck, pulled up and stopped.

The lights were so bright. “T-turn th-them offff,” she rasped. They went to parking lights and big flashlights and people poured out of the vehicles but all she could focus on was Carter. He made it.

“WHAT BABY? TALK TOme. Becky, talk to me, hon.”

Carter was back again. So cold. “C-cold.”

“I know, hon. They have to warm you at a certain rate. But you will be feeling the warmth soon. Very soon.” An enormous hand, probably Carter’s, had wrapped hers up in his, but she didn’t feel any more warmth. He was so hot-blooded; he was like a heater, so why couldn’t she feel him?

What she wanted more than anything was to be warm and home in Carter’s arms. There was something she needed to tell him. And Jac, but she couldn’t remember what it was. Not even remotely. It would come to her later. And her head hurt. Becky’s hand inched up in search of the pain and a hand almost too hot to bear grabbed hers and kissed it with almost too warm lips.

“You hit your head, baby girl. I know it must hurt, but you have to leave it alone. They stitched the worst of it but otherwise,haven’t done anything yet. I think, once you are warm, they are doing a scan to see if everything is okay.”

“I th-think this was on p-purpose. S-someone did th-this t-to me. They wanted to hurt me.”

“No, baby. You just fell into the snowbank and hit your head. And got very cold, too cold.”