Becky: I won’t. I promise.
Carter: Be good. I love you.
Becky: I’m always good. I love you too. Bye.
The rest of the afternoon was spent shopping with her mother, visiting some of the neighbors who came to say hello, and texting Carter at the appropriate intervals.
“He is kind of needy, isn’t he?”
“Who,” asked Becky after sending her third check-in text.
“Your Carter. You are always texting him.”
“It probably seems like that, but really, that isn’t the case. I just sent him information about what we are doing. He likes to know about my day. And he isn’t within close distance. He’s on a job, and I’m here. Two different directions. I told you about the incident with the snowplow. He’s just protective.”
“We don’t see you as often as we used to.”
“Mom, that isn’t true. Before Carter and I got together, I came about three times a year unless there was a purpose. I’ve already been here three times in three months. I came at Christmas and stayed the whole week, and the first of February and I’m here now, and it’s just the beginning of March. Last year I didn’t show up until June, so it’s not Carter that determines whether I come or stay home. It has everything to do with my work schedule and what I’m doing in my life.”
“Well, it just seems like he has a leash on you, and I don’t like it.” Candice reached over and patted her daughter on the knee. “But that’s okay; one of these days, you’ll have children and won’t need to work. Then you’ll be able to come and visit more often.”
Becky decided not to burst her bubble, but if she had children, she’d be busier than she was now. And she would needCarter for a conversation of that magnitude. Visits would likely be relegated to big holidays and swapping out with Carter’s family. But there was no reason to cross a bridge that hadn’t been built yet.
Sharlee called around ten the following day. “Are you sitting down?”
“Well, good morning, Sharlee, and no, I was standing and packing my bag. Do I need to sit down?”
“I guess it doesn’t make any difference whether you’re sitting or standing but don’t get in your car.”
“Come again?”
“Don’t get in your car. Don’t let anyone get in any car. Sharp Security is on their way to check out the vehicles at your parents’ place. Someone was on the property, and while we couldn’t see everything, it appears that they were fiddling with stuff, the cars or something.”
“How did you see that?” asked Becky. Her suspicion was heard loudly in her question and tone.
“You might well ask. Carter and Jac were behind this one. And in this case, as it is all too often, they were right on the money.”
“What made them want to check things out?”
“Gut instinct, I’m told, and you never discount your gut. When you aren’t the only one with that feeling, it’s a certainty. So, they had me tap into your parents’ security. Don’t they ever check their feed?”
“Guess not enough. Isn’t that against the law or something?”
“If there is a complaint, we could get our hands slapped, but since you aren’t going to tell anyone, no one will know. Besides, I know you remember the fiasco when they had my apartment and parking lot rigged for video and sound. Congratulations, you have joined the women with hot but over-protective lovers club.”
“But how will I explain that Nick’s crew is out here doing the car scans?”
“Tell your parents you thought you heard something last night and get them to check the feed. Then pretend you’re calling help in. You work for the most well-known security company for most people who care.”
“Good point. Okay. I’ll do it but I gotta go and do it fast.”
Becky jumped up from the edge of the bed and headed for her dad’s office. She remembered how to work the security camera, and sat watching the recording when her dad came in.
“Becky, what’s wrong? Why are you looking at the camera feed?”
“Oh, hi Dad. I thought I heard something last night but was too tired to do more than acknowledge I heard a sound. So, this morning, I thought I’d follow up. Look what I found.”
James sat down beside his daughter to watch. “You know, I forget we have this most of the time.”