Page 74 of Saving Finley

Jac continued. “Just to tie up some loose ends. None of the previous attacks were Caleb or Walker, but the notes were all Walker. He had been planning separately from Rodney. They just found each other at the right time to take a good stabat destroying things. The car alarms, shooting at tires, garbage in the yard, kidnapping, assault on Finley and Darcy’s assaults were all at Caleb’s command.”

“So, nothing other than what was happening in the last month,” said Garrett.

Kaden spoke up. “Well, yes and know. He’d gotten his information about Jac and the team from someone because Sharlee and I have kept things cleaned except for what we want out there. So there had to be more to this. Another accomplice.”

Finley whispered. “Kaz. I can’t believe it because I really liked him.”

“We won’t ever know how that played out, but I hate he’s gone, too,” said Cash.

A somber silence fell over the group as the revelation sank in. Mark stood near the window, his hulking frame silhouetted against the late afternoon sun. He gazed out at the trees bending in the wind, lost in thought.

Since Anora was born, his priorities had shifted. No longer was he a lone wolf - now he had a family to protect. A new life to shelter from all the darkness he had known.

Jessie came up beside him, slipping her hand into his. She didn’t have to ask what troubled him. As always, she knew.

“We’re going to make this right,” she said softly. “For Anora’s sake. For all our sakes.”

Mark’s jaw tightened. “I let this happen. I should have seen Walsh coming.”

“There’s no way you could have known.” Jessie turned his face toward her. “But we know now. And we’re going to end this. The right way. Sharlee is sending messages to the Feds. Walsh wasn’t hiding at all. He’s an art dealer. She gave her information and the whereabouts of Walsh to the agents. They will be interested in the artifacts, so even if there are no other ties, the relics are enough to nail him.”

Mark searched her eyes, finding the strength he needed. With a nod, he squeezed her hand in silent promise. They would face the coming storm as they did all things now - together.

On the other side of the room, Carter pulled Becky close. She leaned into him, the chaos of recent weeks showing on her drawn face. He pressed a kiss into her hair.

“You okay, tough girl?”

She huffed a tired laugh. “Hanging in there.” Sobering, she traced her fingers over his chest. “I almost lost you, you know. When that bullet was fired, we watched from the monitors in the safe room. I thought you were in the line of fire. You almost ...”

Carter tilted her chin up, meeting her conflicted gaze. “But you didn’t lose me. Takes more than that to stop me.” He smiled crookedly. “Besides, I had to stick around. Still have our happily ever after to get to.”

Becky’s eyes glistened as she pulled him into a fierce kiss. No matter what lay ahead, they would face it as partners. Survivors.

Colonel Darrington watched the couples draw strength from one another, a bittersweet ache in his chest. So much had changed in a few short weeks. Walsh’s web of lies had shaken them all, but also revealed truths that could no longer be ignored. It was over. The friendships he had forged this last month were important to him. Most importantly was his Darcy.

His gaze found Darcy across the room. She stood apart, arms wrapped around herself, staring out the window into the gathering fog. He went to her, standing close but not touching.

“It’s over now,” he murmured. “Walsh, Walker, and Rodney won’t hurt anyone else.”

Darcy glanced up, shadows haunting her eyes. “Is it really over? Seems there’s always another monster waiting.” She shivered slightly.

Gently, he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Maybe so. But we’ll face the next one together just like we did this one.”

Darcy searched his face. This man who had somehow become her port in the storm. Slowly, she leaned into him, the tension easing from her body as his arms came around her.

“Promise?” she whispered.

“I promise, little girl.” Darrington’s voice was gruff with emotion. No matter what lay ahead, he would protect this woman who had claimed his heart. He pressed a kiss to her hair, the promise sealed between them.

Around them, the others exchanged knowing looks. After the darkness, a new light was dawning. They were an even larger family now, bound by hardship and hope, just as all families are.

“Okay, Oakley and Mallory are passing out my whiskey. Sexton single malt. You sip this, you don’t drink. You are going to love this one,” said Sharlee. “I have grape juice for Mallory and Becky because they are baking in their belly and Jessie, who is nursing.”

Kaden cleared his throat. “And for Ivy.”

The quiet was immediate, and then the congratulations exploded. Finley looked around. God, she loved these people.

The next afternoon, Sharlee checked the time. “Mallory’s original baby shower starts in an hour. Do you think she’ll still want to have it?”