Page 49 of Saving Finley

“I’ll run some checks. This doesn’t sound right.”

Becky handed Jac her desk phone. “It’s Carter.”

“Hey, thought the hangar was locked up,” said Jac. “You been out there lately?”

“It is locked, and I was out here last week. I had Kaden take a look at the camera feed while I headed over there, and he saidhe didn’t see anything but a kid walking his dog, but he’d take another look.”

“Place was secured inside and out?” asked Jac.

“Yep. Damnedest thing I’ve seen in a while. Nothing seems damaged or touched. It might have been someone trying to get in, but we don’t know how. Maybe we should check out the alarm system to make sure there aren’t any problems with it.”

“Good idea. I’m with Charlotte so she can work on that with Kaden. Odd, my car alarm went off about the same time,” said Jac.

Carter was the on-the-spot strategist. “Okay, then we will have to work on this. Can’t have things go off for no reason. We should check in with the teams and make sure that is all that happened.”

“Coincidence, I’m sure, but it’s a good idea to check and if not, Charlotte will be able to track any hacking. Come back and let’s all meet for a contingency plan if that is the case.”

“You got it. On my way.”

Within the hour, all available operatives were in the gym, which was larger than the conference room that was used for one team at a time. The gym could hold forty people in folding chairs comfortably. Standing twice as many. Levi hated to leave Finley today with the upset, but she still didn’t want to leave the estate and certainly not to go to his office.

“No, my office is here. This house. I need to keep an eye on Storm, even if Radcliff is my backup.”

Levi was going to argue, but there wasn’t any need. He knew when Finley had that determined expression on her face and the little lines that appeared between her brows, there would be bloodshed if he pushed her too hard. Instead, he gave her a kiss that he hoped curled her toes before he left. Cash was on a detail job today. Otherwise, he might have carried her and Storm to the car himself. Levi smiled. Cash could be a little abrasive at times.

“Rad, I’m leaving now so keep an eye on them,” Levi said.

“I gotcha, man,” said the security expert on duty at the house today.

Levi walked in just as Jac was starting the meeting. “Settle down and listen up. We have had a few things happen today. Alarms going off and we don’t know why. Our system and cameras don’t show anyone, and yet the hangar and my car alarm went off about the same time.”

Monroe cleared his throat. “Mallory’s vehicle alarm went off today, too. Was about one this afternoon.”

“Callie, didn’t you say your alarm went off?” asked Garrett.

“Yeah, and right about the same time.”

After several others mentioned the same occurrence, Jac asked for a show of hands and fifteen others had the same thing happen. “Hell, Jac, we were targeted,” said Garrett. “Again.”

Monroe looked at Mark, who nodded. “We’ve been wondering about electronic access. This seems to back that theory up.”

“It would appear to be the most likely scenario,” agreed Jac. “What have you found out, Charlotte?”

“Kaden is running system analysis, but it seems that like type cars, like our Ford SUVs were hacked. Why the hangar, though?”

“He’s leaving his calling card,” said Mark. “The asshole. He’s having great fun.”

“I agree, but there isn’t anything we can do unless we can identify where he came in and accessed us. Also, that takes a lot of surveillance and planning to hit so many at the same time. The good thing is if he cast that broad of a net, then he will have left a digital trail that can be followed,” said Kaden.

Charlotte shook her head. “Yes. There is a trail and we just have to find it by locating and then following the digital breadcrumbs. We are analyzing a number of areas and when we find what we are looking for, then the fun begins for us.”

“Do we think the families are in danger? asked Monroe.

“I’d stay alert. Don’t go anywhere alone. Everyone should use the buddy system. It’s going to be a little cumbersome right now, but it’s the best we can do until we know what we are dealing with.”

Garrett nodded. “He wants us to be on alert all the time because it is morale busting and exhausting to be on alert for an extended amount of time. Makes you sloppy. We should keep on doing what we do, as though we didn’t really notice this event happened to anyone but ourselves. We will be watchful, but Caleb Rodney thinks we missed it.”

Jac went on to show everyone who Caleb Rodney was to the business, who he was now, and the danger he could bring with him. “Keep an eye out for him. You have a digital picture that Rebecca sent to your phones.” As he was talking, phones pinged throughout the room.