Page 32 of Saving Finley

“Of course.”

“Kaden, starting tomorrow, work through the business associates. Start eighteen months ago and continue working back from there. They need to have been around at least that long. The notes started soon after that, so eliminate anyone terminated after that. We can go back and include more recent people if we don’t turn up anything in our present parameters.”

“The rest of you have assignments or schedules to keep. We will do the best we can to keep to that. Levi, if you are feeling up to it, could you assist Cash in the house security starting tomorrow night? I have the relief team here for one more night, then you and Cash will take over.”

“Nothing too strenuous,” admonished Monroe. “And you, young lady, are down for the count for at least a week. Nopicking up Storm or Anora, either. There are plenty of others here to do that. You are off duty until further notice.”

“Monroe, that’s unreasonable. How about we re-assess Friday?”

Monroe nodded. “Sounds good.” Finley smiled smugly. “Of next week.”


Cash grinned. “You heard the man. Don’t even think of going against that because we need you back full on and if you push, you won’t be ready for much longer. You and Levi go spend some quiet time together. I’ve got shit to do.”

Finley tried to hide her disappointment that Cash wasn’t joining them. “That sounds nice.” Cash leaned in close. “Later tonight, I will ask you all about it while I tickle that clit of yours as you hold yourself perfectly still. I might even slip in a fun spanking if you’ good.”

Her expression faltered. “Oh, that’s nice, but...I’m not sure if I can—”

“On your pussy. Your ribs won’t be able to handle a real spanking for a little while.” His wicked grin drew a moan. “And there are so many ways to punish a disobedient nanny.”

She could feel the heat rise up her chest and neck and how it burned her cheeks. The few times Cash had Finley sucked in her breath and let is out slowly as she tried to get her responses under control.

“Alright, team,” Jac said, his voice strong and resolute. “Let’s get things back in our home court with the advantage to us.”

“Jac,” said Mark, “Jessie and I are going to get Anora now instead of tomorrow.”

Jac’s face softened. “Absolutely. We need our family whole again.”

Finley and Levi were having an intense conversation in the corner of the room. Jac called over to them. “Finley, as partof the house security, Levi and Cash are your bodyguards until further notice. You up for that Levi?”

“Yep. I was just explaining that to Finley. We wouldn’t be happy without knowing she was safe at all times.”

Finley spoke up, her voice not as strong as it typically was, but there was no doubt that she was adamant about what she said. “I can handle my own self. We have vulnerable people that need more protection than me.”

Jac walked closer. “Normally, I would agree. You’ve proven you are more than capable of handling yourself and protecting Storm, but given the circumstances and until this is resolved, no one is alone. And before you get that thought in your head that I don’t trust you, I do. Implicitly. My son is here, safe and healthy because of you. Darcy is free for the same reason. But the buddy system is the best protection we have right now. And you’re hurt.”

“Sure,” said Finley.

Cash spoke up. “We still don’t know if it is just a one-time attempt to get at us or will they attempt to do this shit again.”

“Precisely. I have an extra bodyguard on Storm. We are all using a higher level of protection because we don’t know what this maniac is really after.”

Ryker grinned. “You are popular, my friend.” He slapped Jac on the back. “I don’t personally think that we all want to stay in the same place... I feel like a sitting duck. No offense to your security company, but I think I’ll take Oakley back into town and stay at a friend’s place. He’s out of the country and we’re keeping an eye on the place. Completely unrelated to this side of my life. I can continue to work on this there.”

“Whomever it is, they seem to want to get to me, but for what purpose?”

Garrett spoke up from the sofa that he was sharing with Callie. “We are working on that. Therefore, we are erring on the side of protection.”

Callie laughed. “Did you just say, therefore?”


“Yes, we will keep working on all of it.” Jac turned to Finley and Levi. “You two have had a rough twenty-four. Guard each other.” He walked away, expecting no argument. Sharlee handed their son to Jac, and the two of them wandered off to bed.

Levi slipped his arm around Finley and smiled when she relaxed in his embrace. “Let’s go baby badger, let’s get in bed, I’m exhausted.”

“I am too. But in the morning, we’re going to discuss this arrangement and this baby badger moniker is not sticking.”