Matt shrugged again. “I’m just trying to make a point.”

“And what point would that be? Because right now, it seems like you’re trying to cause problems for me.”

“We’re friends,” Matt said as he took his feet off my desk and sat up. “I wouldn’t do anything to cause problems for you. My point is that you’re playing with fire; sooner or later, it will get you burned.”

“I know that.”

“Then why do you keep doing it? If you knew that, you wouldn’t keep putting both of you in the way of a massive shit storm.”

“We know what’s going to happen. One day, we have to tell Mia. Then, the rest of the town will find out. We’ll be the week’s scandal for a while, and everything will blow over once the next big thing happens.”

Matt shook his head. “You don’t think it’s that easy, do you?”

I sighed and dropped back down to my seat. As I ran my hands down my face, I knew he was right. Nothing was as easy as we liked to pretend it would be.

“She’s the only woman who has even come close to catching my interest since my wife died. I like her, Matt. It seems like a giant mess, but she could be the one.”

“And I hope for your sake it works out. But, if it doesn’t, you must consider what this will do to her reputation. I’ve seen that Georgia is a nice woman, but imagine what will happen once people know you two are dating.”

Georgia’s career had been something I thought about since we started dating. But, typically, the woman was the one who suffered the consequences of a workplace romance.

I foolishly thought that since she intended to start her own business, I wouldn’t have to be as worried about the adverse side effects. There would be no concern for the gossip or what it could do to her.

At least, that’s what I tried to tell myself, even though I knew it was far from the truth.

My name was prominent in real estate. I knew people worldwide and several of the biggest names in other countries. So our relationship — and people’s desire to use her to get to me — would follow her wherever she went.

“I don’t know the best way to move forward,” I said as I looked at Matt. “She could be the one, but I know a lot is on the line.”

Matt sighed. “You’re just going to have to figure out whether it’s worth getting burned in the fire.”

Chapter Eleven: Georgia

Overthelasttwomonths, hiding my relationship with Brett has been getting harder and harder. Nevertheless, we do our best to keep our relationship a secret.

However, Mia has nearly caught us a few times.

I snuck out Brett’s window more than once and ran to my car parked down the street. The next day I would have to listen to Mia telling me about her theories on her dad’s dating life.

She was sure he was seeing someone, which made me feel worse. Mia would lose her shit if she found out that I was the mystery woman sneaking out in the middle of the night.

It was getting too stressful to hide it from her, but it was too late to turn back.

I’m falling for Brett.

Hell, I’ve already fallen. He had me at hello, and I’ve been enamored by him every moment since, even though it would have been better for the both of us if I wasn’t.

I sighed as I leaned over the sink in my bathroom, my stomach tossing and turning.

I had been holed up in my apartment for the last week, feeling like absolute shit. It felt like a stomach bug that I couldn’t quite shake. Mia had come over nearly daily with a fresh batch of soup and more movies to watch.

It was nice to have someone to feel miserable with, but today I was convinced it was more than just the flu.

I stared down at the pregnancy test on the edge of my sink.

Not only did I have to explain to Mia that I was dating her father, but I would also have to tell her that she would have a half-sibling.

My stomach tossed and turned. I felt like I would be sick as I stared down at the two pink lines.