She was toying with me. I could see that in the little smirk, she tried to hide. Georgia was getting entertainment out of what could blow up in our faces. If word of what happened between us got around, I don’t know what Mia would do. I doubted that she would ever talk to me again.

I didn’t want to lose my daughter over a one-night stand.

However, the fact that Georgia keeps pretending she doesn’t remember what happened between us only irritated me further. I would have initiated the game to keep playing with her.

I didn’t particularly appreciate that she had the power right now. She had claimed it when she walked into the room, and we both knew it.

Though I wouldn’t say I liked it, a part of me was turned on by her commanding a situation. When Mia told me about her, I thought I would be dealing with a weak person with no ambition or confidence.

Although, the only time Mia spoke about Georgia was when she was talking about the problems Georgia was having in her personal life.

I should have known better than to underestimate her.

“What do you have to gain by taunting me?” I asked, leaning back in my seat and crossing my arms.

She shrugged, that mischievous grin on her face. “You tell me.”

“Georgia, you know that this is a bad idea.”

“And I never said that I wanted to continue it. So I think that it’s amusing we’re having this conversation right now?”

“And why would that be?” I gritted my teeth together as she leaned forward, her smile enticing me like the pretty colors on a venomous snake.

“Because I never said I wanted anything more with you. Yet here you are, taking it upon yourself to assume that I would. And then continuing to assume that I would want anyone to know about this.”

“I don’t know you. So I have to assume.”

“Why the hell would I want my best friend to know that I slept with the man who is both her father and my boss? That seems like something she would take a problem with, don’t you think?”

I didn’t know what to say to her. She was right. She had reasons for keeping her mouth shut, but in my work, I learned that you could rarely count on someone to do what they should do.

When a relationship with the wealthy is a matter to consider, people will only use it to their advantage. They will do and say whatever they think they need to if they want to leverage the relationship.

“Either way, this will be a purely professional relationship moving forward.”

“Quite honestly,” she said as she crossed one leg over the other. “I would prefer if it wasn’t even that.”

“Well, it’s going to have to be that. I’m taking you to shadow me on a few showings this afternoon for some corporate properties in Hanson City. It’s about an hour’s drive from here.”

“Email me the address and the time. I’ll meet you there.”

She didn’t bother to say anything else before getting up and leaving my office. I gritted my teeth as I watched her go, heading back into the main office and talking to several other employees.

Taking separate cars was for the best. I didn’t know how to keep a professional relationship if she were any closer.

With a sigh, I ran my hand through my hair before turning to my computer and emailing her the details.

The less we were together, the better.

“They don’t make buildings like this anymore,” Georgia said as we walked through a brick townhouse converted into a massive office space.

The exterior of the building still looked like it was an old townhouse, but everything about the inside had changed. From outside, the building looked like you were stepping back into a piece of history from fifty years ago.

A part of me couldn’t wait to see the expression on her face when she saw the interior for the first time.

“No. If this place had been on the market when I bought the office, I would have purchased this one.”

“The architecture is more interesting. But, unfortunately, your building is too modern to blend in with the small-town charm of Blackwater.” Georgia ran her hand over the brick, touching the plaque that dedicated the townhouse as a historical building.