“I like my building. However, it was easier to build a new building than to try and renovate an old one into exactly what I needed.”

She shrugged. “I didn’t say that I didn’t like your building. I just said that it’s out of place in the town. Although, if you sell it to someone younger once you retire, it might do better on the market.”

“When I retire?”

She smirked. “You have to be pushing eighty at this point.”

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head as she laughed. I was thankful that the clients weren’t here yet to hear her taunting me. Although, that relief was immense because everyone in Blackwater knew everyone else.

Gossip spreads like the plague around here.

“Forty-five, if you must know.”

“Close enough. I mean, once you’re that old, it stops mattering, doesn’t it?”

I ground my teeth together, trying not to let her get to me. However, reminding me of the twenty-one-year age gap between us only made me feel worse about the other night.

“Let’s go inside, and you can take a look instead of bothering me about my age.”

Georgia grinned and walked inside the office, gasping when she looked around. Though the outside of the building looked old, the inside was both modern and industrial. Everything was open to metal and brick.

“This office is way too cool for you,” she said, looking over her shoulder at me with a small smile. “You never would have been able to pull off the look.”


She held up both her hands and shrugged. “It’s true. Your best bet for moving this place is to a young start-up. I see an open office where everyone works out in the communal space. There are some focus rooms and a couple of conference rooms, but the kind of person who would buy this place is a lot cooler than you.”

I sighed and didn’t bother to acknowledge the little dig. It wasn’t worth my time or my effort. However, following her around and listening to her as she talked about the features of the building, passion shining in her eyes, made me realize that she might not be like the other girls Mia was friends with.

Georgia had an eye for detail and knew what she was talking about. There was confidence in everything she said as she walked through the building.

It was attractive. More attractive than I would have liked to admit.

“Great,” I said as she finished walking through the building. “You’re going to be the one giving the tour. Two people are coming in half an hour. After talking with them, they are the most likely buyers.”

“Why is that?” she asked, perching herself on a window ledge and stretching her legs before her.

“They’re about your age. Young, looking for a place to run their handmade household items company. This place has the space for manufacturing and other work.”

She nodded, taking out her phone and pulling up the notes app. Though I couldn’t see what she was typing, I was sure it had something to do with the showing. She was the kind of person who wanted to do a good job.

“Alright,” I said as I heard car doors slamming outside. “Time for the showing.”

Georgia nodded and took a deep breath. She put on a smile that could charm the meanest man before opening the front door. I stayed where I was, listening to her greet the prospective buyers before bringing them inside.

I listened as she asked them questions, quickly talking with them as if she had known them forever. A part of me was envious of how she made people feel immediately comfortable with her.

The more I watched her, pride swelling through me as she showed the property and got an offer, one thing became clear.

When she cast her spell, you had no choice but to fall under it.

Chapter Five: Georgia

“Hewantstoseeyou,” Shelly said as soon as I walked into the office one Friday morning. I had been working with Brett for the last two months, and in that time, he and I had kept a professional relationship.

It wasn’t easy; every time I saw him, I thought about how his hands felt on my body or how his mouth moved across my skin. It was impossible not to see him and then think about every moment we shared.

“Thanks, Shelly,” I said, giving her a smile before heading to my desk.