Chapter One: Georgia

Thedestructionofmylife came in like a hurricane and left everything in its path crushed and trying to survive beneath the rubble.

Moving to Blackwater, a small seaside town, differed from my plan. However, when I graduated from university, Mia told me that her hometown was the perfect place to build a life. She used to sing the praises of the beaches and tell me how pleasant the winters were since it stayed warm and never snowed.

Now that I was in the town and looking around, waiting for the movers to arrive with the few things I had left to my name, it seemed even quieter than she had described.

I sighed and ran my hand through my dark curls, staring at the waves that crashed against the white sand beach. The scent of saltwater hung thick in the air as fog crawled across the ground. Gulls cried overhead before swooping down to the water.

“There you are!”

When I turned around, Mia was running down the boardwalk that lined the beach, her blonde hair streaming out behind her. I barely had time to brace myself before she threw herself at me.

“I missed you! I can’t believe that you’re finally here! Isn’t Blackwater everything that I’ve ever told you about?” She laughed and hugged me tight, swaying slightly on her feet.

“It sure is something,” I said, hugging her before stepping back. “What I can believe is that we haven’t seen each other since graduation.”

Mia shrugged and looped her arm through mine. “You were off in the big city getting engaged to a professional baseball player, and I was here starting to build my little fashion line.”

“And look at how that engagement turned out?” I rolled my eyes. “Now I’m single, and the only reason I still have a job is because you got me a paid internship with your dad. Which I’m grateful for, by the way. It is the first step toward building out my career.”

Mia pulled me down the boardwalk. “Don’t mention it? Have you gone to see the apartment yet?”

“Nope. I was waiting for the movers to give me a call. They were supposed to be in town today, but with how late it’s getting. I doubt that’s going to happen.”

“Give them a call. You can stay with me at my dad’s house until the movers show up with your things.”

“Are you sure he won’t mind? He had already arranged that apartment for me and gave me a job. I don’t want to impose more on him than I already have.”

Mia rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry about it. You haven’t imposed on him at all. I told him he had to help my best friend, and he agreed.”

“I don’t know. I could stay at a hotel.”

“Call the movers; then we’re going to my house to drink so you can catch me up on everything that’s happened.”

“Well,” I said, smiling as the sun broke through the clouds overhead. “If you want to hear about everything that’s been happening in the last two years, I will need a lot of drinks. It’s been a shit show.”

Mia laughed and shrugged. “Life happens. Things can only go up from here.”

I nodded and pulled out my phone, talking to the movers while she led me away from the beach and toward the small downtown area. I was frustrated and ready for a drink when I confirmed with the movers that they would not be here tonight.

Mia paused outside an old white stone building with large windows framed in black. Twin doors rose high at the front of the building, large panes of glass giving a view into the building. A few different seating areas had beige leather couches and chairs to match.

A woman sat at the front desk, but she smiled when she looked up and saw Mia. Mia pulled open the door, towing me inside with her.

“Hey, Shelly, this is Georgia. She’s going to be starting work here next week. Is Dad around so I can introduce them?”

“In his office.” Shelly glanced at me, offering me a small smile. “Nice to meet you. I’ll be the one meeting with you on your first day.”


Mia took off down the hall, walking by several meetings room encased with paned glass walls. I glanced at the long tables inside, all looking like they were made of smooth cement and surrounded by dark yellow chairs.

The office looked sleek and modern, like someone had spent much time thinking about the design and what would appeal more to a younger crowd.

Mia turned down a hall before stopping at a pair of black French doors. She knocked on the glass before walking inside and motioning for me to follow her.

The man behind a massive black desk looked up as we entered the room. When he saw Mia, he smiled and stood up, rounding the desk to pull her into a hug.