She doesn’t bother to answer, opting to kiss me instead. I lick at her bottom lip and she willingly opens her mouth so I can deepen the kiss. She moans softly into my mouth, making it clear she’s been wanting this encounter just as much as I have.
“Do you have some licky for my dicky?” I ask, winking at her.
“Not if you keep making me laugh too much,” she tells me, and we both grin like a pair of Cheshire cats. But now it’s time to get serious. We both make the same little sounds at the backs of our throats and let the passion take over.
Miss grabs me by the shoulders and presses my head down onto a pillow. She slinks down my body until her mouth is just above my crotch, and then she moves in with a pounce. My cock slides right down her throat, and I groan. Heaven! Sheer heaven!
I love the satisfied noises Miss makes when my dick is in her mouth. Little whimpers and sounds similar to purrs, and even an occasional muffled moan from deep in her throat. And the way she moves on me, just the right pace to make it last, but not too long. Perfect.
Everything about Miss is perfect—even her ornery side. I can’t fathom how I could have ever believed I loved anyone else but her.
When I am about to cum, I try to move away, but of course she doesn’t let go. All the more reason to love this woman. I shoot the whole load right down her throat.
“Your turn, my love,” I tell her once I’ve caught my breath. Miss flips over and falls into the pillows while I get up and position my face between her legs. I go down on her, reveling in it. The taste of her, the scent, how wet she is for me. It all has me hard as a rock again in mere seconds.
I feel the tension in her body tighten as she nears her climax, and I redouble my efforts. She’s trying to cum quietly because only a hallway separates our room from the kids, and also from Kevin. When she explodes, it’s with a muted gasp and a sigh.
“You’re not used to having another man in the house,” I tease her. “You’re not worried that he’s going to hear you, are you?”
“Not worried,” she says with a shaky breath. “Just trying to be polite. No, I just don’t want to wake the boys, or we won’t get to move on to the main event.”
I smirk at her and shake my head. “No way, sweetheart. I’m not done with you.”
In response, Miss casts me an inviting grin and spreads her legs wider than ever so more than just my face will have room. I chuckle as I crawl up her body and join our mouths in a hot, deep kiss even as I angle my body to enter her.
“Oh! Yes!” she gasps, clinging to me. “You always feel so good inside me, Adam. I love you so much!”
“I love you too, babe,” I tell her, and then I push up a little, allowing my arms to bear some of my weight as I settle one to each side of her ribs. Without any further ado, I fuck her right into the mattress.
She loves every minute of it.
As we move, Miss is finding it harder and harder to keep the noise down. It doesn’t help that the bed starts hitting the wall. If one sound doesn’t wake the house, it’s certain that the other will. At this point, though, I’m too far gone to care. Ecstasy takes over both of us as we pound into each other, stroke after loving stroke, and by the time we cum, even I find myself unable to stop the grunts and groans.
We crash among the pillows, and I’m completely amazed that we don’t soon hear the patter of five-year-old feet running through the hall. I wonder if Kevin looked in on them once the noise started, or if kindergarten has taken enough out of them to leave them oblivious.
Either way, I consider it a plus as the two of us curl up together.
“We should totally soundproof the walls,” says Melissa with a sly snicker.
I nod. “Yeah, totally.”
Neither of us remembers to put a few clothes back on again before we both drift off into slumber. I have a sketchy visualization of the kids coming in and finding us both in our birthday suits, but I’m so tired I can’t even seem to move, and decide it’ll have to wait until my arms and legs no longer feel as melted as warm gelatin.
Chapter twenty-six
Thenextnight,Sara,Megan and I form a sandwich assembly line—a task we’ve done so often over the years that it is second nature, and we finish in short order. Adam is on hot chocolate duty, filling two thermoses and packing them and a bag of marshmallows into the insulated bag that holds the sandwiches and some cookies that Hilda baked earlier. Kevin comes in with two highly bundled-up kids, complete with jackets, hats, gloves, and even earmuffs. They are both excited as the rest of us suit up and head for the door.
“I want to see all the lights!” Evan exclaims.
“No, I want to!” Ethan counters.
“Boys, you’ll both get to see all the lights,” I say as I strap in one kid and Adam straps in the other.
“Christmas is all about sharing. It’s not a competition.” Adam says.
I chuckle. “Everything is a competition, Adam. Didn’t you know?”