She sucks in a deep breath. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Let’s just stop talking about this now, or I’ll never be able to close my eyes.”
“Don’t worry, babe,” I say. “I’m going to do everything in my power to keep my family safe. And that includes both of my sisters.”
She smiles. “That’s so sweet of you, thinking of Megan that way.”
I nod and smile too. “You’re going to be my wife. I want that to last forever, so yeah, that makes Megan my sister too. I want to become just as close to her as I am to Sara. It might take some time, considering her prickly attitude. But hey, that prickly attitude is just what she needs if this guy does decide to start any trouble, right?”
Melissa giggles. “Yeah, that’s true. Meg’s got nails, and she’s not afraid to scratch.”
Chapter twenty-two
It’sSaturday,sowedon’t need to be worried about keeping the kids home from school again today. As we finish eating breakfast and I’m about to try to call Megan again, Sara parks in the driveway and heads for the door. As usual, she doesn’t bother with the whole knocking thing, and we don’t expect her to. She simply walks through the front door and comes looking for hugs.
“What’s up?” I ask her. “Did Meg ever get home?”
“Yeah, she came breezing in about an hour ago and headed up to bed,” Sara replies. “Apparently she and Vitto had a really great time.”
I roll my eyes. “Nice of her to keep her own sister up to date.”
Sara smirks. “Well, she didn’t want to listen to another lecture, that’s all. Maybe you should lighten up on the guy, girlfriend. All he ever did was try to warn you that there might be a little trouble at the school.”
I snort. “Sure, if you say so. Anyway, I’m glad you’re here. You can keep your brother and the kids company while I go upload all the data about Rudolpho’s from my laptop into Adam’s computer. I think it makes a lot of sense to keep a master copy there, just in case something happens to the one I’ve got in here.”
I brandish my laptop as I start to head down the hall.
“Well, great, then,” she calls after me. “Have fun with that.”
For a man who recently said he couldn’t trust me, Adam had sure been quick to change his tune. I now have all his passwords and even know how to get into his email account so I’m able to deal with any other business on there for him. I’ve mostly panned through advertisements and dumped them, and moved things I think he might want to actually read into a folder called ‘important’ in all capital letters.
But this time, when I go in there, intent on doing the usual, I spot one email that I don’t think he should ignore. On the subject line, it says, ‘Rudolpho Trust Funds have successfully transferred’ and it’s from the bank that handles the Rudolpho accounts.
“Hey, Adam? You should probably come have a look at this,” I say as I come up the hallway and poke my head through the door to the rec room. Naturally, since Hilda was also in the room playing with the kids, Sara got up and tagged along.
“What’s up?” Adam asks as we reach the office door.
“Read it yourself,” I say, and he does.
“Oh, it’s not a big deal. Dad just transferred all Rudolpho’s money from his own accounts into the business account itself,” he explains. “He figures we’ll be able to use it to make a few improvements on the building.”
“You know what, bro? I just thought of a way you could send the boys back to school, since you’ve got a ton of money lying around in your TrekGame account that you never bother to use,” Sara says.
Adam scoffs. “I’ll be using that for college funds in the future.”
She gives him a pointed stare. “If you want to set up college funds, move some of that money you’re ignoring into some market-rate accounts instead of leaving it sit in savings all the time,” she adds, rolling her eyes. “Miss, have you not even looked at his other account yet?”
I shrug. “He didn’t tell me he had one. I figured he must, though, since he has Elliot on speed dial. Doesn’t Elliot handle all that stuff?”
“Well, yeah, he does, but maybe we could let you handle the personal funds I get from there if you want,” Adam concedes. “A reference from Elliot might hold a bit more weight since he’s the CEO of a game company, and I’m just an owner and cook who happens to hold a silent partnership in his firm.”
“God, you guys, do I have to do all the thinking around here?” Sara finally complains. “I wasn’t trying to start a discussion on handling the damn money. I was trying to point out a good way to spend it.”
Adam sighs. “Fine, then. What are you talking about?”
“A bodyguard,” she says in a long-suffering tone. “For your sons. So they can return to school without needing to worry about somebody trying to abduct them. Right?”
“Good God, why didn’t I think of that?”