“He’s good, Miss,” she insists. “And he’s going to come back. I know he will.”

We finish with the decorations. A couple hours later we all gather together just like we did at Christmas. The mansion actually has four rooms that could be considered large living room areas, but one is clearly bigger than the others, and that is the one we filled. Adam’s parents, now back from their trip, and a few of our other friends, are also there.

Megan seems even more subdued than usual today, but she’s been like that ever since the day Vitto caught Mario. None of us knew where he’d gone afterwards, but he hadn’t even appeared at the trial, even though the evidence he’d gathered against Mario was presented as a written statement. Something to do with being able to preserve the anonymity of the witness. We certainly didn’t get any clues as to where or who the man himself was from anything that was revealed.

But I don’t understand why Megan hasn’t bounced back yet. Every other time she’s had trouble with men she’s just cut ties with them and moved on, but this time? Not even close. It’s an agony to watch her, to see that there’s some piece of her that has been ripped apart.

We’re ready to start serving, babe. Can you lead everyone into the dining room?

“All right, gang, time to go eat,” I call.

Megan and Sara link arms and head through the double doors beneath the garland, and the others follow along behind them. We’re all seated and beginning to break bread when one more person steps through the door.

I look over at Adam, shocked. “What the heck is going on? What’shedoing here?”

Adam grimaces slightly. “He showed up about half an hour ago. I wasn’t going to let him stay, but my sister told me he spoke with her on the phone, and she invited him. If you will let him talk to Megan, I think you’ll know soon enough exactly what he wants.”

As I watch, Vitto gets down on one knee in front of my sister. I stare in shock as she gazes into his eyes, and everyone around them is smiling.

I don’t like it one bit at first, but as I listen my feelings start to transform.

“Meg, I know my job is not great for commitment, but my heart doesn’t listen,” Vitto tells my sister, and I halfway expect his accent to be gone, but it isn’t. He holds one hand over his heart and grasps her hand with his other one.

I can see that Megan doesn’t want to listen to reason either. Her love and longing are clearly written on her face now.

“My full name is Antonio Vitto Venchenza, born in America but raised as an army brat at an Italian base. I grew up to become a Federal agent. Now I must travel all over the world to fulfill my duties, but my heart? It lives right here, right in this mansion where the girl I love grew up. When I am not on an assignment, I want to make my home here. By your side. Will you consent to become my wife?”

“Yes!” Megan practically shouts as she throws her arms around his neck.

“What a load of crap,” I whisper to Adam. “He still could have called to tell her he’d be gone for a couple months without revealing where he was. It’s not like she would have tried to trace the call.”

Adam scoffs. “Somehow, I doubt that very much. Even if he did call her, they would have recorded the whole conversation at the very least, and probably would have given him grief for being reckless enough to take the chance. But you’ll have plenty of time to find out why, since it sounds like Vitto’s gonna be your brother-in-law.”

“Yeah? Well as of tomorrow he’ll be your brother-in-law too,” I remind him pointedly.

Adam just laughs. “Yeah, babe, he sure will. Sounds like we’re in for a lot more excitement in the future. Now, what do you say we stop standing around and actually serve this meal?”

He says the last few words loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Now you’re talkin’!” Vitto agrees with a bold smile as he wraps an arm around my sister. “And congratulations, you two! I am glad to see that everything is working out for you just as I hoped. May I come to the wedding tomorrow?”

“Of course, you can,” Megan cuts in. “Obviously you’re my plus one. But I should probably tell you, I was just at the doctor yesterday, and even my sister doesn’t know this yet, but it looks like in another five months or so, we’ll be having a plus one of our own.”

Vitto’s jaw drops. Mine drops even further.

“You mean we’re pregnanttogether?”I exclaim excitedly, and rush forward to give her a huge hug. “Oh, my God! This is so great! Now I know this is going to be our best year ever!”

I smile contentedly as I look around at my rapidly growing family, and I feel a big, huge wave of love for them all. I even add in Vitto, with a begrudging chuckle.

Who could have ever guessed that pretending to be the nanny would bring so much happiness into my world?


The next afternoon, as Adam and I stand under the arch, Elliot stands nearby as Adam’s best man, and Sara is serving as my maid of honor. In the front chairs, side by side, Vitto and Megan are seated behind me, while the Barlow parents are seated behind Adam. We never bothered to divide the seating down the middle because Adam and I agreed completely that there should be no gap between the people who love me and the people who love him.

Now, we are just one huge, happy family together.

Because I’m big as a house, and Adam doesn’t really want to take a lot of time away from Rudolpho’s anyway, we agreed that our honeymoon should be spread out over time, or that maybe we could take a week somewhere together sometime after the baby is born.