Refused to apologise for being born.

Less than thirty seconds and it was all over. Every bit as bad as his worst imaginings.


Jack froze. He hated it that the man had called him by his first name. But he swivelled and looked back.

Darren had risen, a calculating gleam in his eye. ‘You’re really CEO of that travel company?’

‘Yes,’ Jack said stiffly. ‘I really am.’

‘Huh...’ Darren tugged at his collar. ‘You know, you took me by surprise just then. Maybe we should spend some time together. Get to know each other.’

The man had no redeeming qualities at all. He wasworsethan Jack’s worst imaginings. Because not only was he a bully, he was also only interested in someone if they could be of benefit to him in some way—financially.

‘I don’t think we need to,’ Jack answered. ‘I think we’re done.’

He got out of the office and ran down the stairs before he fell down.

No wonder his mother had run away to the other side of the world—to Indonesia. Then to America. No wonder his parents had always claimed not to know anything. They’d wanted to protect him from that jerk of a man. A guy who wanted everything his way and didn’t care how he got it. And what did that mean for Jack? What hadheinherited from the pair of them?

Nature versus nurture was a debate that had raged for years. But there was no doubting all those ‘separated twin’ studies that showed how dominant DNA was. Even though some of those twins grew up in families miles apart, in both distance and opportunities, so many still turned out similar.

Genetic predisposition was undeniable.

Jack paused just outside the building and looked over at the pastel yellow car.

Hadn’t he questioned Stephanie’s choice of clothing only the day before? Hadn’t he ordered freaking clothesforher? And hadn’t he given her few real choices?

He’d been beyond controlling. Hadn’t he effectively bullied her into staying with him?

He’d seduced her that first night, teasing her on the bonnet of the car until she hadn’t been able to say anything but yes. He’d wanted her. And he’d done everything he could think of to have her. He’d been thinking of nothing but himself—his own desires.

He’d been utterly selfish.

But she’d agreed. She’d stayed. She would have said no if she’d really wanted to, right?

But doubt clawed deep. Why else would she have stayed with him?

Because she wanted him to buy her blog.

Acknowledging the truth hurt. So much.

Stupid to have had hope. Stupid to have wanted to know. Stupid to let someone get close enough to hurt you.

Had she been going along with him simply because of her need to sell the blog? She’d said what had happened between them personally wasn’t to be related to the deal, but how could it not be? Had she given herself to him because she’d thought she had to?

Had he abused her in that way?

He’d thought she was strong. But now he thought back to her bitten fingernails. Her nerves. Her lack of sophistication once that make-up had been washed off her face. And all the while he’d been sure she was still holding something back from him.

He checked his phone and saw he’d missed a bunch of calls. And then, even as he was staring at it, it vibrated in his hand. He didn’t recognise the number. Which was weird, because his PAnevergave his number out.

‘Hello?’ he answered brusquely, still not walking towards Stephanie in the car.

‘Is that Jack Wolfe?’
