But hadn’t she done just that? Walking out with no warning for two days? For a decadent sexual tryst?

She had to get back to Dan. She had to know he was okay. She tried not to let Jack see her agitation. He had enough to worry about.

‘Stillwith the phone?’ He finally broke his silence with a weak tease. ‘It hasn’t left your hand since we left the Green Veranda.’

‘Playing catch-up.’ She shrugged. ‘You know how it is.’

‘Yeah,’ he sighed. ‘Damn it, I can’t believe I slept so late.’ He glanced at his watch again. ‘Is it okay with you if we go to the meeting first? Then I’ll drop you home. I can get a taxi from your place and leave the car with you—I know you don’t really want to drive it.’

‘I’ll be fine driving it in town. Go to the meeting, then we can go straight to the hotel. I’m in no hurry to get home,’ she lied.

‘Okay. Sure.’ He paused. ‘Do you mind waiting for me?’ ‘Not at all.’

She was too close to admitting she’d wait for him for ever if he asked.

Too tragic. Too much like her mother. The sooner she got away from him the better.

Jack couldn’t believe he’d slept in—that he’d been able to get into such a relaxed state before today of all days.

It was a miracle. And she was sitting right beside him. But she was texting again—furiously. There was no hiding her furtiveness as she checked for messages. Suspicion shot cold arrows into his gut. He had the feeling she wasn’t being entirely open with him again, but he didn’t have time to talk with her now.

As he pulled into the car park of his birth father’s office building his hands felt cold and slippery and his heart raced, making him breathless.

Stupid to be so nervous. What could this matter? He was happy, he had a great life—great family, great job, great sex-life if and when he wanted it.

‘I shouldn’t be long,’ he said vaguely. ‘I don’t think...’

He didn’t know how long he was going to be. He didn’t even know how he was going to bring the subject up, and he’d had all his life to imagine the meeting. What was he going to do? Walk up and say,Hi, Dad!

For the first time in his life he felt afraid even to move.

Harden up.

The reality couldn’t be worse than anything he’d imagined in all these years. But he still couldn’t move.

‘Jack?’ She’d unclipped her seatbelt and leaned across the passenger seat. Now she turned his face towards her with her gentle hand. She smiled a half-smile at him. ‘It’ll be okay.’

She didn’t know that. Nor did he. But looking into her eyes made him feel better anyway.

‘Who knows?’ she added softly. ‘You guys might become great friends and you’ll find yourself coming back to Melbourne all the time. Then you’ll find my lists super useful.’ She winked—total Steffi Leigh.

He smiled. Come back to Melbourne all the time?

He’d get to see her.

He drew in a deep breath and energy flooded into his heart. She moved to sit back but he stopped her—cupping the back of her head and drawing her close again. He looked into her blue-green guileless eyes and kissed her.

Her soft lips parted... her tongue met his. Her whole body responded and the tension in his own body eased.

That was what he’d needed. Her touch.Her.

He got out of the car without another word and walked towards the squat building that was the headquarters for the construction company Darren Thompson owned, smiling to himself.

Yeah, he could cope with seeing more of Stephanie Johnson.

As the automatic doors slid shut behind him he looked back at the car. He could see her sitting in the passenger seat, her head bent as she looked at her phone. Frantically tapping out messages again.

He laughed to himself, then turned, choosing to take the stairs rather than the elevator because he had adrenalin to burn.