Really? He looked it. He was about six feet tall, and sharp muscled in a lean way—as if he’d been fed only just enough to maintain optimal performance capability, like a caged cheetah kept on rations, so he’d run world-record-fast for the kill.

‘You’re sure?’ she queried.

He nodded.

‘Then that’s it.’ She smiled between gritted teeth. ‘The abduction goes ahead.’

Without waiting for him to say anything more, she turned and walked back across the expansive lobby to the door. Surely she could do the comebacks, put on the charm, maintain the persona just long enough to seal the deal? She was not going to let him annoy her into slipping and lowering her guard again.

‘Why can’tyoudrive?’ he asked, keeping pace alongside her.

‘I’m going to be talking to you.’Selling it to him.

‘I thought women were good at multi-tasking.’

‘Actually, I think it’s better to focus on one task at a time and do it to the best of your ability.’

‘I’ll drive, then.’

‘Excuse me?’

‘I’ll drive.’

As if Tara wasevergoing to let him near her precious car. And as if he’d want to be seen behind the wheel of it once he saw it.

‘Will you be able tolistenand drive?’ Stephanie asked.

‘That’s going to depend on whether what’s being said is interesting enough.’

He’d thrown down the gauntlet now. Stephanie straightened. Could he smell the desperation clinging to her? She couldn’t let him see just how badly she wanted this deal.

‘Taracan drive us,’ she said firmly. ‘So it’s not going to be a problem.’

‘Does Tara own the blog or do you?’ he asked and stopped walking. Forcing her to stop and face him.

‘I do.’

‘Thenyou’rethe one I need to negotiate with. Only you.’ Insisting on meeting with her alone was unconventional—possibly bordering on unprofessional. But could she really complain when she’d been the one to say she was going to abduct him?

‘Can you drive that?’ Stephanie gestured at the car turning into the entranceway. The vintage Mercedes convertible in ultra-feminine pale pastel yellow was not a car a man like him would want to drive, surely.

‘Where areyougoing to sit?’ he asked, looking puzzled.

‘In the middle—in the back.’

‘You’re a contortionist?’ He cast a disbelieving gaze at the tiny back seat.

‘The size is deceptive,’ she muttered, walking out. She wanted to warn Tara about his attempt to change the plan.

But Jack spoke the second Tara cut the engine. ‘Steffi’s agreed to letmedrive.’

‘She has? Okay.’ Tara smiled up from the driver’s seat and then unclipped her seat belt and exited the car. ‘If you like, I’ll stay here and find out what I can about that lotion. It could be a good one to profile, Stef.’

Stephanie wasn’t near enough to stab her in the ribs with her index finger. Or stomp discreetly on her toes. But she could glare.

‘You don’tmindnot coming?’ Stephanie questioned pointedly.

‘Not at all.’ Tara didn’t even look at her as she dropped the car key into Jack’s outstretched hand. Instead she smiled at him. ‘I’m sure you’ll be careful with her.’