And he didn’t want to know. Right?
But curiosity was normal. It was human nature to want to get to the bottom of a mystery.
He wanted to shrug it off. Wanted not to be drawn in. But she was holding something back from him.
It shouldn’t matter. In a few hours she’d drive out of his life. They’d do any business negotiations over the phone or the internet and this would be over.
‘It’s too early to call anyone yet.’ He ran his hand down her gorgeous back. ‘I think we should have breakfast in bed.’
Stephanie hadn’t wanted to waste another minute sleeping, but her body had given her no choice. Pressed deep into the mattress, so relaxed—sosated—it had been impossible to keep her eyes open.
Now she rolled, blinking, and realised the sun was streaming in through the wide windows. It must be mid-morning already.
And she was alone in the big bed again.
She hated that. She’d wanted to experience the pleasure of waking in his arms. Of easing out of slumber with the delicious sensation of someone holding her. Someone caring.
This wasn’t about caring. This was about sex. She just wasn’t that experienced. That was the problem. She’d never been with a guy who understood a woman’s body so well. A guy who revered her and took such pleasure in touching. Offering the gift of orgasm. Again and then again.
And again.
But she had to stay cool. There was no risk of her heart being involved. This was nothing but a pleasurable experience. One that she simply couldn’t resist. She was, after all, only human. And after a taste of this kind of passion she wanted it once more. This fantasy...
She wanted more than the rest of the day. She wanted another night. Instead she reached for her phone. She’d better text Tara and let her know she’d be late. And she needed to text Dan.
Jack walked into the room. He looked sleepy-eyed but satisfied—one hot, dishevelled male. Now she understood what he’d meant when he’d said he wanted to see her messy and undone. She felt a primal pleasure in knowing she’d been the one to make him raw like this.
As his gaze swept the length of her his lazy smile turned piratical. Yeah, he’d enjoyed indulging in the bounty from his pursuit. She didn’t mind, because she liked looking at him too.
He hadn’t bothered shaving, nor had he bothered putting on a shirt, and she seriously wondered whether he’d bothered putting either boxers or briefs under those low-slung jeans... Wait a minute...
‘Where did you get those jeans?’ She sat up quickly, clutching her phone to her chest.
‘I had my bag brought up overnight.’
Of course he had. Meanwhileshewas going to be stuck in a wrinkled dress and no knickers. It was a good thing the hotel staff were so discreet and there was no one to see her do the walk—or in this case the drive—of shame. She wasn’t going home yet anyway.
‘I had a couple items sent for you too.’ He leaned against the doorjamb, a smile playing on his lips.
He’dwhat? ‘When did you arrange that?’
‘While you were sleeping.’
‘Last night?’
Had she actually slept? It felt as if they’d kissed every minute of the night. Hours of touch and torment. Until she’d been unable to peel her body from the bed. Clearlyhehadn’t slept, though. He’d been plotting.
‘What “items” did you have sent for me?’ she asked, suddenly feeling chilled.
He sent her a sideways look, his grin flashing. ‘Nothing major. Don’t get too excited.’
Was he used to picking up women and whisking them away for the weekend? Buying them a few items of clothing to see them through? Did he then say goodbye with some horrendously expensive trinket for them to remember their trip fondly? Wasthathow he played this?
Does it matter?
All that mattered was enjoying the moment, right? Except itdidmatter...