The tips of her ears burned as she thought she caught an intimate nuance in his voice. Was he thinkingpersonallists?

She sent him a sharp look and registered his amusement. She turned back to glare at the bitumen ahead. Shewasn’tbiting. But, sure, she could list a number of things she’d like to do with him—none of them polite. Not all of them strictly businesslike and professional either.

‘Yes!’ She made herself reply in ultra-perky Steffi Leigh style. ‘They help me stay organised.’

‘So, do you have a list of everything you’re going to achieve in life?’

‘Like many of your travellers will have a list of all the must-do, must-see places—of course.’

‘I’m curious about what’s on it.’

‘Oh, you know—the usual stuff anyone has.’

‘I can’t believe that. I get the impression you’re not like just “anyone”.’

‘I’ll take that as a compliment.’ She laughed.PureSteffi Leigh.

‘Tell me about the haters. How do you handle them?’

‘I don’t,’ she said, her amusement fading. ‘I ignore them.’

‘It’s that easy?’

It wasneverthat easy.

‘To be honest, I let a lot of my hard-core fans respond to them. I used to moderate the comments, but it took up too much time.’

‘But you still read them all?’


‘And it doesn’t get to you?’

‘Why would I let it?’ She maintained her smile with determination. ‘There are far more positive comments than negative.They’rethe ones I think about when I’m working on a segment.’

At first the blog had been for her own fun. Then it had grown legs of its own—until she’d been sprinting to try to keep up with its demands. Since Dan’s illness it had got harder to maintain the schedule, and yet she had all the more reason to make it bigger and better. Leveraging her ‘platform’ was the only way she could think of to earn the money she needed to get her brother motivated and into some kind of study.

She waited, but Jack still ignored the strident ringing of his phone.

‘So your lists cover everything—no topic is off-limits? How do you decide the content? By strategy or whim?’ He glanced at her. ‘Don’t get me wrong—I’m not criticising. I’m trying to understand your success.’

Because it was so hard for him to believe little ol’ her could have made something so massive?

How could she besoattracted to someonesoirritating? She hadnotgot out enough in the last eighteen months.

‘Well...’ She smiled another Steffi Leigh smile through gritted teeth, determined to stay positive and upbeat. ‘There’s a lot of hair and make-up stuff going on. And fashion choices—what to wear, how to wear it. And, yes, there’s some whimsy—designing doilies from paper towels or sewing slippers from comic book covers... whatever takes my mind. But I do plan and keep a list of topics—’

‘Of course you do.’

‘Right.’ She conceded another laugh. ‘And of course there’s restaurant recommendations,’ she concluded. ‘And good places to go.’

‘You make it sound easy, when we both know it isn’t,’ he commented.

And, stupidly, that was enough to make her feel all warm about him again.

‘What’s the best trip you’ve been on?’ he asked.

She hesitated, thinking of that fateful holiday to the Northern Territory. For once Dan hadn’t had a sporting camp or competition and they’d been able to go. It had been perfect—until his fever and headache had suddenly come on. She’d loved the vast, isolated beauty. But she couldn’t bear the reminder of it now.