‘Thought it up on it on the flight over: “Ten Ways to Make Steffi Leigh Scream”. Want me to spell them out for you?’

‘Do Iwant?’ she repeated. Then she reached out and pulled on his tee shirt, falling backwards so he fell on top of her. ‘Duh...’


One yearlater

Jack smiled atthe matron as they said their goodbyes, and then put his arm around Stephanie’s waist to lead her to the waiting car.

His girlfriend had been unusually silent as they’d toured the orphanage. He’d seen her sweet heart in her eyes—aching as she’d looked around the facility. He knew she’d barely held it together when they’d spent time with the children—some of whom he saw year after year—and he’d read one of the books he’d brought with him to add to their library.

She’d chosen some children’s art books as well, and they’d donated craft supplies.

‘You want to take them all home, don’t you?’ He melted inside as he saw the tears in her eyes as their taxi pulled away from the building.

She nodded. ‘It doesn’t seem right to be going back to that hotel...’

‘It’s okay...’ He cradled her against his side as the car pulled away.

‘How do you do it?’ She wiped a tear from her cheek.

‘I’m trying to help... that’s the one thing Icando.’ He shrugged. ‘That’s why I keep coming back.’

That was why the orphanage was where so much of his charity funding was directed.

She nodded, but was quiet as she exited the car. He couldn’t wait to hold her properly, to love her properly. But for that they needed to be alone.

He held her hand as they rode up the elevator to their hotel room. And then, thank goodness, they were there.

She turned to face him as soon as she’d stepped inside the room, reached up to hug him. He loved it that she reached out when she needed him now. That she let him comfort her.

‘Do you think we could takeoneof them home?’ she asked softly, her face pressed against his chest.

He wrapped both arms around her and held her closer. ‘You want to adopt?’

‘If it would help one of those guys, then, yes—of course I do,’ she said. ‘But I’m so conscious of taking someone away from their home country.’

‘I’ve taken you from yours.’

She’d gone with him to the States. Travelled with him. Updated her blog from wherever she was. She didn’t need to rely on her friends to supply her with data for her lists as much any more.

She chuckled, ‘We go back there all the time!’

That was true. They’d agreed to spend half the year in or near Australia—so she and Dan would be as close as ever, but getting on with their own lives.

‘I want to come backhereall the time too,’ she said, lifting her head to look him in the eyes. ‘I want to help the way you do.’

His heart pounded as he saw the love in her face. He wanted her.Somuch. The desire was so intense it hurt. Even now, when they’d been together a year already, that passion hadn’t abated. If anything it was more potent. And he saw the signs of it within her too—the dilation of her pupils, the extra-strong gleam of green, the slight breathlessness, the colour in her cheeks despite that pretty layer of make-up. And then there was the way her nipples poked through her silken dress. On this hot, hot day it was arousal lifting those goosebumps on her skin.

But there was something else he’d been wanting for a while now.

‘Maybe we ought to get married first,’ he said huskily. ‘Before we start adding kids to the mix.’

She stared up at him, her soulful eyes widening even more.

He reached into his pocket, pulled out the box that had been weighing him down for the last few days while he waited for the right moment. This was definitely the right moment.

He hoped.