‘Why not? Is there some place you’ve got to be? Some new restaurant opening?’ He wondered if she’d answer honestly.

Her smile remained fixed. ‘No, but—’

‘There’s no problem, then.’ He didn’t give her time to argue. ‘We can escape.’

‘I’ve already told you I don’t need to escape anything in my life.’

‘Everyoneneeds to escape some time.’

She looked at him, her eyes narrowing. But she didn’t answer. Didn’t lie. Shedidwant to run away—and not really from him. There were things in her life she wanted to escape.

‘You want me to buy your blog?’ he asked.

Her lips parted. ‘Are you blackmailing me?’

He wasn’t, actually, but it was interesting that she’d leapt to that conclusion. She definitely had thoughts on the darker side.

‘All I meant was that we might talk at length about the deal on our drive. I find driving helps me think. And make decisions.’

She still hesitated.

He was used to people saying yes. Spoilt, perhaps, but there it was. He was used to asking and receiving. In terms of business and in terms of women. But it was only because of what they could get from him in return. And that wasn’t emotion. It was cash. Or connections. Or both.

‘There’s a retreat I have to take a look at.’ He was booked to stay there after his day in the city. He’d bring his stay forward a night.

‘A retreat?’ she queried.

He nodded. ‘It would be a good source of inspiration for your blog. You can take a look around and show me how you’d put it all together online.’

Truth was the Green Veranda wasn’t right for her blog. Nor was it going into one of the Wolfe travel guides. It was too expensive, and already too exclusive to need it. It catered to a celebrity clientele, or the uber-wealthy who didn’t want attention from the general public or any intrusion. Solitude and privacy guaranteed. Ruben Theroux specialised in such places and Jack had just stopped in New Zealand to see if the man wanted to bring his Midas touch here too.

But Jack didn’t want that level of isolation and introspection now—not with these two days stretching before him like purgatory. No, he needed distraction.

And he had it sitting right beside him.

‘A retreat as in... like a health spa?’ she asked.

‘Sort of. A very expensive private hotel. You can stay the night, yes?’ The idea was growing on him with every second.

‘Stay thenight?’ she echoed.

He laughed at the hint of horror in her voice. He’d let her off that hook a little later—for now it was too much fun taking in her reaction. Wickedly amused, he watched her internal war—whether to breathe yes or snap no?

Her blush deepened as she gazed back at him, her eyes as huge and as brilliant as the sky above them. Spark, heat, defiance, indecision. He swore he could almost hear her pulse racing. His own heart quickened in response.

In the end he decided to take the burden from her.

‘Sure.’ He smiled as he put the car in gear and pulled back into the line of traffic. ‘BecauseI’mkidnappingyou.’


Jack Wolfe didn’tneedeither chloroform or charm to get what he wanted—he hadcash.

Because of the possibilities he represented, Stephanie couldn’t refuse him. And now she knew he wasn’t afraid to take advantage of the fact. She also knew he had a wicked streak—an impulsiveness she’d never have expected from the grim-looking man she’d first laid eyes on.

Stay the night?Never.

The car sped along the road, taking the quickest route out of the city. The sun beat down on her, addling her brain. Or maybe the sizzling heat was emanating fromhim.With his tie removed and his shirtsleeves rolled, some of his body was exposed. The muscles in his forearms flexed and she could see the strength in his large hands as he handled the delicate, sometimes temperamental vintage car assuredly.