“That’s fine,” I confirm.

“Maybe we should wait until you get an updated social security card and can go down to the DMV and change your license.”

I narrow my eyes. “That won’t be necessary.” Leaning over, I whisper, “A deal is a deal. Don’t make me cause a scene.”

He acts as if I just slapped him across the face, even if my voice was only loud enough for him to hear. The smile on the woman’s face doesn’t falter, but she begins to tap her nail. Though Robert hesitates, he eventually does exactly what I need. Even if he’s an asshole most of the time, I can respect that he keeps his word, sometimes.

When the paperwork is stamped, the woman hands it over to me, and I feel like I won the damn lottery. We thank her, and I hold it tightly in my hand as if it will disintegrate. Though I never wanted to stand up in front of a crowd of people, wearing the same dress his mother wore while saying I Do, having this deed makes that torturous ceremony all worth it. Before we leave, Robert makes sure to pull me into his arms and kiss me for anyone who’s looking our way to witness.

After I’m in my car, I wipe the taste of him from my lips and pop a piece of gum in my mouth. I can still smell the faint hint of his cologne on my shirt from where he got too close and rubbed against me. Just the thought of him touching me makes me want to soak in bleach. At the beginning of our relationship, I wondered why he was single because he’s good looking, has a ton of money, and seemed to want to make me happy. Now, I realize he’s crazy as hell and probably pushed every single woman away. What a disaster.

The first place I go is to the courthouse to file the paperwork. There’s no way I’m going to allow anything to get in my way. Considering it’s Monday morning, the line is long, but I don’t mind waiting. Hell, I’d wait the rest of the week right here as long as it meant this was finalized and recorded in the deed book. When I get to the window, I’m relieved to see a woman I don’t know because I really don’t want anyone in my business right now. I happily pay the filing fee to get everything transferred over to my name. For the first time in a couple of weeks, I feel as if I can breathe again.

Afterward, I go to the bank and pay for a lockbox so I can keep all of my important documents in one place. I don’t trust Robert, and I have no place safe to keep things. I sign the paperwork, and eventually see Katie who’s with a customer. She waves and gives me a curious look. The papers in my hand are worth their weight in gold, and I need them to stay safe. The ladies here won’t break the rules for Robert, especially with Katie watching everything like a hawk.

Before leaving, I go over to her area and say hello.

“Whatcha up to?” She smiles.

“Not much. Just had to take care of some business,” I explain.

“Awesome. You doing okay?” she asks, just as her phone rings.

“Doing good. And it’s fine, answer it. I gotta go anyway,” I tell her, waving goodbye and leaving. The weight on my shoulders isn’t as heavy as it was before, but the fact that I’ll have to appease Robert and make sure I keep my word makes me feel ill. I head to work and try to hold back the sliver of happiness I have. It’s been a while since I’ve smiled, but as I replay what’s happened over the past few weeks and all the threats Robert spewed, I know I made the right choice. There isn’t a single doubt in my body.

As soon as I walk in, Dad comes and greets me. “Hey sweetie, take care of everything?”

He grabs a cup of coffee and pours a mountain of sugar in it. Just so Dad doesn’t worry, I put on the act.

“Yep, got it all sorted out. Thanks for letting me come in late,” I say just as Tyler walks in.

He glances at me, then turns his head. It’s awkward as hell, but I keep up the act for Dad’s sake.

“Don’t forget about dinner Thursday night before you leave,” Dad reminds me, not paying any attention to how uncomfortable Tyler is.

“I haven’t. I’ll be there come hell or high water,” I promise. This seems to make Dad happy, but Tyler leaves halfway through the conversation.

Somehow, I keep the smile on my face, and Dad gives me a sad expression. “I wish you wouldn’t have done this, Gemma. It’s destroying me.”