“Call them. They won’t come. I’ve made sure of it. Don’t believe me? Try it out. I dare you.”

But I don’t because he’s paid many people off over the years, and they’re still in his pocket.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask, defeated but try to stay strong.

“Because I’ve invested too much goddamn time in you and our relationship. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’m not letting you go. I’ve told you this, and it’s like you can’t comprehend what I’m saying. I refuse to let you make a fool of me in front of the people of Lawton Ridge.” He roughly runs his fingers through his hair. When I meet his demented expression, I shudder.

“I’ve worked to make a name for myself, and I don’t appreciate you parading yourself around like a whore and letting everyone see how unfaithful you are to me. You’re moving in with me, and you’re going to be my wife and the mother to my children. You will be quitting your job as soon as we get married.”

Laughter escapes me. “Not happening.” I cross my arms over my chest.

Robert shrugs. “Fine then. How much do you love this cottage?”

I narrow my eyes at him, not sure what’s going to come from his mouth next. “What are you talking about?”

“Just wondering, because I hold all the cards in my hands right now, Gemma. So you need to choose your words very wisely.”

My heartbeat pounds in my ears as adrenaline rushes through me. He strolls through my cottage and looks at the canvases on the walls. After he makes a face, he moves over to the next, acting as if my mother’s work disgusts him.

“I own the deed to your father’s land. To his house and this cottage,” he continues wandering around. “And I’ll bulldoze it to the ground. All of it.”

“You’re a liar!” I shout, not wanting to believe a word he says.

He looks at me with his arms crossed, wearing a sneer. “See, your irresponsible father was late on paying the hospital bills after your mother died. So he took out a second mortgage on the house.”

I wish he’d stop talking. I wish he’d disappear.

“And he was nearly eight months late on payments. The whole property went into foreclosure, and the bank was ready to sell it off. Considering I’m privy to things that will soon go to auction, I paid his debt. And now you’ll pay his.”

“Shut up,” I snap. “Why should I believe a word you say?”

“You think I’d lie about something like this? Trust me when I say this house will be gone by the end of next week. I’ll flatten it all to the ground with all your precious memories inside. It is mine, after all. Just like you.”

I glare at him, shaking my head in disbelief. He’s so full of shit.

“What? You want proof?” he muses.

Robert pulls out his cell phone and brings up the tax documents for the property. He shows it to me, and I press refresh in the corner. It’s real, and the realization nearly smothers me to death.

“No,” I whisper. “No, no, no.” I bend over, tears rushing out of me as I try to come to terms with this. Why didn’t my father tell me? Why didn’t I know? I suck in air, hoping not to hyperventilate.

“So you’ll do exactly what I say, or you’ll both lose everything.”

I focus on the ground, feeling lightheaded and weak in the knees. I refuse to pass out in front of him, refuse to let him see how much this really affects me. He’s the type of psycho who gets off on having control. I straighten my stance, pushing my emotions to the side, and realize I don’t have a choice in the matter. He’ll take everything from my father and me. He won’t stop until I do what he says.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. You’re going to have to speak up,” he says sarcastically, cupping his hand over his ears.

“I hate you,” I say between gritted teeth, and it’s obvious he’s finally found a way to break me.

“Good. So we’re going to tell everyone that after a short breakup, we realized how in love we were and decided to get back together. And since we can’t live without one another, we will be getting married as planned.”

“Robert, you can find someone else. Plenty of women would marry you in a heartbeat and do everything you want and say. People will understand you’ve moved on. It’s not as big of a deal as you’re making this out to be.” It’s the truth, but also my last resort to help him change his mind.

“The date is set. November. And it’s final. You love your dad so much, and I’m aware of how you’d never want anything to happen to this land or his business. So start wearing your ring again.” He pulls it from his pocket and forces it roughly on my finger. “Prove your loyalty to me publicly. You’ll do what I say, or everyone you love will pay the ultimate consequence. I know you, Gemma. You care too damn much to let that happen.” He smirks, proud of himself.