“Or accounting. But you guys should be able to see who got into requisitions, right? Isn’t there a log?”
“Yeah, but it’s going to be a mess. I’ll have to sift through everyone who got in the system.”
“How long will it take to come up with a culprit?”
“Definitively? Many hours. A good guess? An hour or two.”
“Let’s go with the good guess to see if it matches who we think.”
“Do I get to know that?” Luke starts typing madly.
“I’m going to hold off and see what you come up with.”
“Okay, boss. And if Hammond asks what I’m up to?”
“Tell him I’m being outrageous and asking for ridiculous data. Then send him to me if he gets nosy.”
“Do you think…” He trails out. “Never mind. Don’t answer that. I’ll start looking.”
“Check in with me before lunch.”
“Will do.”
I glance out over the other cubicles. Another member of IT, a young woman, is settling into her desk. “Everything looks good otherwise? We were gone three business days.”
“All looks good. Everything is operational. No problems.”
“Great. Thanks.”
I head back to my floor. It’s quiet still. Gloria is usually the first to arrive, then the rest of HR.
But when I’m at my desk, staring at my monitor, it hits me that there is one task I’ve been forgetting.
Uncle Sherman.
The things I have to tell him are stacking up.
The accusations by Viola about marketing.
Firing my assistant.
Being wrong about firing my assistant.
Doing unspeakable things with my former and once again current assistant.
And now the whole trail of treachery that might involve marketing, accounting and IT.
And over what?
An employee wanting to bang me?
I remember Viola’s behavior in my cabin. She could say anything she wanted about what happened behind that closed door. If she’s in a snare, and already happy to throw a former best friend under the bus, am I next?
This fiasco is so Rhett. Party Rhett. Dumb Rhett. The Rhett who gets drunk in public, takes the wrong girl home, and gets pilloried in text messages when he can’t remember who she is.
Uncle Sherman chose wrong.
I am not the man for this job.