“If you still want to marry him, try to work things out so you two can get back to a happy place. Perhaps he needs to work on his own issues first if he’s acting this way about my brother. What happens when another single man moves to town? Is he gonna think you’re screwing him, too?”

I snort, then look around, hoping Tyler isn’t eavesdropping. “We barely speak to each other at work, and when we do, it’s quick and to the point. Tyler and I are a non-issue. I don’t even know why he’s built it up into his head to be more.”

“Tell Robert that, not me, and if he can’t accept your decision, then drop his ass like a bad habit. I mean, is it too much to ask for my brother to marry my best friend so then you can officially be my sister? Then you two can have a million babies and make me the happiest auntie in the world.”

“Yes,” I hear Tyler say from behind the couch, which makes me tense. “It’s entirely too much to ask.”

He sounds pissed, and his voice comes out like a growl. “Everleigh, you’re gonna have to stop with this shit. Gemma’s engaged. She’s getting married. End of story.”

I can’t read her expression as she looks at him with her head tilted. It’s as if she’s aware of something I’m not, but I can’t ask her while Tyler is close.

“Yeah, well, her fiancé told her to quit working at the garage because of you and—”

“Everleigh,” I interrupt.

“What? Why?” Tyler snaps, glaring.

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it,” I rush out, then give Everleigh a death stare.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers. “Tequila made me do it.”

I shake my head. “Stupid margaritas. Stupid Robert. Stupid everything. I’m just having a shitty day.”

Tyler sits in the recliner across from us. I look up at him and swallow hard, needing air or an escape.

“Be right back.” I excuse myself and walk to the bathroom. I can’t think clearly with him near, especially with alcohol in my system, and everything that happened with Robert tonight just makes it worse.

When did things get so complicated?

Chapter Fifteen


When Gemma disappears down the hallway, Everleigh looks over at me.

“She and Robert got into a huge fight tonight. I’m just trying to calm her down.”

“Over me?” I shake my head in disbelief.


My hands ball into fists. “He has nothing to worry about. I’m sure it’s because of what happened Saturday night. He nearly dragged her out of the place after she spoke up for me when he ran his mouth about why I was in prison.”

“He’s jealous and intimidated, so he gave her an ultimatum. She’s pretty upset about all of it.”

“And she has every right to be. She deserves better than him,” I whisper-hiss. Men like Robert think they can buy anything they want and treat women like property.

When the bathroom door opens, I get up and walk to my room. Gemma passes me in the hallway, and we briefly make eye contact. Before she gets too far, I gently grab her elbow, and she looks up at me. Her chest rises and falls with shallow breaths.

“You okay?” I ask, keeping my tone soft even though I’m seething inside.

She nods. “I’ll be fine,” she claims, her voice just above a whisper.

I drop my hand, and we share a moment before she walks away. Her silence speaks louder than her words could as I stared at her. Gemma’s been crying, and she’s not herself. Once in my room, I sit on the edge of my bed and brush my hands over my face.

Maybe coming back home was a mistake after all. The last thing I ever wanted to do was affect Gemma’s relationship or screw things up for her. It’s one reason I’ve kept my distance. While I want to tune out everything they’re saying, I can’t. They continue talking about the fight, and this time, they are loud enough that I can hear every word. It’s so hard for me to keep my opinions to myself, but I’m going to try really fucking hard because this isn’t my business.

Robert acts like I’m trying to swoop in and steal his woman, but there’s nothing between us except our past.

When I hear Gemma talk about her dad and what Robert said, I’m half-tempted to tell her to call him so we can fight this out like men. Jerry’s kindhearted and doesn’t deserve the belittling. He knows the truth about me and so does Gemma.

Fuck Robert. When I first met him, I got a bad vibe. Now, I know it was warranted.

I shouldn’t be listening.

I should leave, go for a walk, try to blow off the steam that’s somehow returned, but I don’t.

“Let me see,” Everleigh says. “Wow, he grabbed you hard.”

What the fuck? He touched her.