Now, I feel like a steaming pile of shit because this call wasn’t intended to put Liam on the spot or bring him down.

“I never had a brother, Liam, and you’re the closest thing to one I’ve ever had, and I’d do anything for you. You’re my chosen family. Don’t feel remorse over a damn thing because without all that, who’s to say you’d have Maddie right now. It was the catalyst that brought you together, so no fucking regrets.”

Liam chuckles. “I should probably get back to the gym too. I think I’ve gained thirty pounds during Maddie’s second pregnancy with all her junk food cravings.”

His words cause me to snort. “Not a terrible idea. Get rid of your baby belly. There’s only one here, and I haven’t stepped inside since before I left for the military, but I’ll go check it out tomorrow. Honestly, it probably still looks the same.”

“Well, go find you a bar and have a beer for old times’ sake.”

When Everleigh’s condo comes into view, that becomes a better idea. “I think I might.”

“Hell, have two.”

I quickly ask him about Maddie and how she’s managing so close to her due date, and by the time I unlock the front door, we end the call. Once I’m inside, I grab some clothes and go to the bathroom to happily wash off this shitty day. Before I make it there, Sassy is on my heels, barking like I’m an intruder.

“Sassy, no!” I try to make my tone as commanding as possible, but she gives zero fucks about it and tries to nip at my ankles. “Sassy,” I say in a sweet tone. “Wanna treat?”

She growls, and I repeat the magic word, raising my pitch and walking into the kitchen to grab her doggy biscuits. As soon as Sassy sees the bag, she sits and wags her tail.

“Of course,” I mumble and throw a handful down before heading back to the bathroom.

Ever since my release, I’ve taken my time in the shower. You don’t realize how much privacy is taken for granted until it’s snatched away. All freedoms revoked, along with your dignity. Once I finish, I wait for the water to go cold, then dry off and get dressed. Sassy still barks at me as though I’m a stranger, and I hope she gets used to me soon. Before Everleigh even asks me to walk her, I grab her leash, and we take off down the street. Those ten minutes with her give me time to get lost in my thoughts.

Once we’re back, I remove the leash, and she drinks from her water bowl until it’s empty, so I refill it. Taking Liam’s advice, I grab my wallet and walk the few blocks to The Ridge Pub. It’s close enough not to need a ride home, which is convenient. Everleigh’s place is in the perfect location. It’s close to her business and the downtown square, which is the most popular place in town. Thankfully, my job is within walking distance too. So as long as the weather stays nice, it won’t be a problem making it on time.

After a quick five-minute walk, I enter the pub, then sit at the bar. I look over the menu, realizing just how hungry I am. The bartender comes back, and I notice it’s a guy I went to high school with, but he pretends not to recognize me. Or maybe he doesn’t. It’s been over a decade.

“Whatcha having?”

“Bud, tall. Shot of tequila. And a double cheeseburger with fries.”

He nods, and after entering in my order, he returns with the tequila and beer. I take the shot, hoping it loosens me up some. Greg, or maybe his name is Craig, picks up the empty glass, and I order another. I’m two shots and a beer in by the time he brings me my burger.

Food is another thing I took for granted before I knew better. Between mush and mystery meat, I could barely choke it down.

When I’m halfway done eating, I see Everleigh, Gemma, and Katie walk past the large glass windows, then open the door.

I keep my head down so they don’t notice me. But damn, I can’t help but glance at Gemma. Yesterday, Everleigh told me they were doing a photoshoot with some of her new inventory. The three of them look fierce as hell, but Gemma steals the show with her loose curls and dark makeup.

I watch through the bar mirror as they find a table, giving me the perfect view of them.

After I finish eating, I order another beer and notice Donald McDouche walking toward their table. The guy was a total asshole in high school, and even now, he looks like a grown-up twelve-year-old.

He leans against the table, and he offers to buy them all drinks while obviously checking them out, though none of them are showing any interest.