“You look adorable, Everleigh!” Mimi praises, and I stand in shock.

Everleigh sticks her tongue out at me, then gets her purse.

Inhaling sharply, I grab my keys and walk toward the door. “Alright, let’s go then.”

The party is being held in her friends’ backyards, and I bet it takes all of thirty seconds before one of the neighbors calls the cops. When I was in high school, we always brought booze we stole from our parents and snuck it into our red Solo cups with cola. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re doing the same thing.

“Gemma, Katie, Gabe, and Noah are there already,” Everleigh says as we turn onto Main Street, then she looks over at me. “You’ll be okay if I wander off, or do you need supervision?”

“You mean, do I need to supervise you?”

“Puh-leese. I’ve been supervising myself just fine while you were gone.” She flips her hair.

I lift a brow. “Really?”

“I’m not pregnant, addicted to drugs or alcohol, and I graduated with good grades. You should be praising me.”

“I’m proud of you for not becoming a statistic.” When she furrows her brows, I add, “You didn’t become an addict like Mom.”

The mood changes, and she frowns, then lowers her eyes. “I invited her to come tonight. No surprise she didn’t show up.”

Leaning over, I squeeze her shoulder. “It’s her loss, Everleigh. You know that.”

She nods, then flashes a small smile. “You coming is the best gift I could’ve ever gotten anyway.”

Once we arrive and I find a place to park, we walk toward the crowd of people. Everleigh’s greeted by a bunch of her classmates, and she shrieks when she sees her group of friends. There’s a huge table set up with snacks and desserts, and of course, several people have red cups.

The moment I see Gemma, I swallow down the lump in my throat and follow my sister toward them. She’s wearing a skirt that’s so tight it’s like a second skin on her petite frame. I was right, the pictures she sent didn’t do her justice. She’s grown into a beautiful woman.

“Guys, you remember my brother. He’s finally home!” Everleigh proudly pulls me closer.

“Hey, man. Lookin’ good.” Noah gives me a fist bump.


Gabe gives me a head nod before he whispers in Katie’s ear, and the two of them take off. Noah watches them with jealousy but tries to play it off like it’s nothing, then brings his attention back to us.

“Noah, can you show me where the drinks are?” Everleigh loops her arm through his. As they walk away, she looks over her shoulder and smirks, leaving Gemma and me alone.

“Congrats,” I tell her as she stands in silence. “Bet you’re glad to be done with school.”

“Thanks.” She smiles. “I am.”

Awkwardness lingers and the last place I want to be right now is at a party where everyone can see us. “Any chance you wanna get the hell outta here?”

Her face lights up, and she smiles. “Definitely yes.”

“Just gonna let my sister know, and then we can head out,” I explain, grabbing my phone from my pocket.

I quickly shoot Everleigh a text and ask her if she can hitch a ride with someone so Gemma and I can talk. She immediately sends a response of random emojis—an eggplant, cherry, and smiley face with its tongue sticking out. I’d scold her if I wasn’t in a hurry to leave.

She follows me, and when the house is out of sight, I grab her hand and loop her fingers through mine. When we get to the car, I pull her in front of me and grip her waist. We’re inches apart as she leans against the door.

“I got your last letter,” I tell her as we lock eyes.

“You did? I wasn’t sure if it’d make it on time.” She grasps my biceps, and I can hear the anxiousness in her voice.

“I did, and I wanted to respond in person…”


“Actually, I wanted to show you.”

Her breath hitches.

“However, I get the impression that you’re a bit nervous, so maybe we should talk and—”

“Or you could kiss me so I can stop wondering if you’re going to.”

She sucks in her lower lip, then bites down before releasing it. For a split second, I hesitate, making sure it’s what she truly wants. There’s no doubt about it as I dip down and gently brush my mouth against hers.

“I’ve thought about kissing you for way too fucking long,” I whisper.

“Probably not as long as I have…an inappropriately long time.”

The corner of my lips turns up slightly, knowing she wants this as badly as I do. I cup her face, tilt her chin up, and this time, I claim her mouth. We take our time as our tongues slide against each other. Gemma moans, and the desire to have more of her overwhelms me. Lowering one hand down her body, I cup her ass and squeeze, pressing her into my erection.