
A waveof exhaustion crashes over me, tying my stomach in knots as I sit at the kitchen table. My body still tingles from their recent touches, yet now there’s a cold, desolate feeling creeping in. I’m yearning for something elusive, something just beyond my grasp.

A soft whimper escapes my lips, and my eyes flutter shut. Dryness takes over my mouth, and a peculiar sense of dehydration sweeps through me.

“Hey.” Max is quick to notice, leaning in close with concern etched on his face. He gently tilts my head toward him, his thumb and forefinger guiding my chin. “Sugarplum, you’re burning up.” His hand cradles my cheek, the other pressed to my forehead. “Your heat is close,” he observes with a mix of worry and tenderness.

Leaning into his comforting touch, I sigh, a wave of apprehension washing over me. Do I even need to fear my heat anymore?

The snowstorm intensifies outside, the blizzard promising to blanket all of Terra with heavy snow. I realize I won’t have the chance to go anywhere. The guys have already taken care of mycats, ensuring their safety. Despite the recent attack on another omega, I feel secure here, cocooned in their care and surrounded by a sense of belonging.

I feel safe.

Embracing the moment, I finally allow myself to surrender to all that being an omega entails, just existing in this state of being.

As I blink and raise my gaze to Max’s, I’m struck by his rugged appearance, the growth of his beard enhancing his rough, masculine allure. “We have about a day, maybe,” I say, feeling sweat bead along my forehead.

In his eyes, there’s a visible spark of lust, an undercurrent of excitement. This isn’t just going to be my first heat, it’s theirs too, and there’s something profoundly right about that, as if we’re poised to embark on this journey together. A part of me is filled with eager anticipation.

Max nods in understanding, then turns to address the others. Despite Devlin’s status as heir and the pack being officially recognized as Pack Armana by the council, it’s clear they all look to Max for guidance. This unspoken hierarchy reveals who truly leads the pack.

“Devlin, make sure dinner is ready,” he instructs. To Avery, he says, “Prep food for the week. We need simple, oven-ready meals for the heat spells.” He looks at Ashton, the one who doesn’t cook. “Your task is to prep the nest.”

“The nest?” My interest piques, and despite the heat raging within me, the urge to see this nest and claim it as mine is almost overwhelming. I have this primal urge to find it and bury my face in every blanket.

“Yes, there’s a nest,” Devlin confirms, stepping closer to brush a kiss on my sweaty hairline. “I’ll take care of dinner.” His eyes linger on me with a look of longing before he returns to the counter.

Avery is ready with his phone, his eyes on me. “Ten seconds. Name your top five meals.”

I don’t hesitate, the memories of the castle’s incredible cooks flooding back. “Chicken pot pie, turkey with gravy, Belgian waffles with bacon and ham, braised pork, and all the pasta,” I list, my mouth watering at the thought.

“Do you need more time to think?” he teases, but his thumbs are already flying over his phone’s screen. “How about desserts? They are absolutely essential.”

“Chocolate lava cakes,” I quickly chime in, excitement bubbling within me. “And cookies, definitely all kinds of cookies.”

“Gingerbread,” Ashton adds with a smirk. “It’s the fragrance I pick up when all our scents mix.”

That thought sends a curious flutter through my stomach. The idea that he’s considered our combined scents, that he’s thinking of us as a unit, makes me think about forever rather than just the present.

“Cinnamon buns,” Max suggests, gazing at Avery, his expression filled with an unmistakable sensuality, a look of deep interest, and excitement.

“All noted,” Avery responds, completely oblivious to Max’s intense stare. “Anything else?”

“Iced sugar cookies,” I blurt out, feeling my cheeks warm up. “They are irresistible.” Just thinking about them makes me sigh.

I feel like a bear gearing up for hibernation, needing all the calories for my heat. The way these men, this pack, are preparing for it, not just focusing on the physical aspect, stirs something profound in me.

Max scoops me up from the island, cradling me against his chest. My arms drape over his shoulder, my head resting on his chest as a comforting purr emanates from him, soothing the heatsimmering within me. “Can I see the nest?” I murmur, unable to stifle a yawn.

“I’m not keeping it from you on purpose,” he explains as he carries me out of the kitchen. “I want to bathe you, feed you, and let you rest first.”

“I want to see the nest,” I repeat, the omega in me needing to know where my sanctuary is. It’s an instinct I can’t ignore.

Max chuckles softly, holding me closer as he ascends the stairs. “If we go to the nest now, you’ll be fixated on the blankets and won’t rest,” he reasons with alpha confidence. His logic is sound, but I’m not ready to admit it. “Let Ashton freshen up the blankets and gather some from our rooms. By the time we’re ready, the nest will be perfect for you.”

“Don’t hit me with logic,” I protest playfully, nipping his neck. He pauses in the hallway, his breath hitching, his body trembling under my touch.

“Sugarplum,” he growls, and it’s possibly the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard.