“Seraphina.” I loop my arm in his, chocolate stain and all, as we glide onto the dance floor. His smile never wavers as he gazes down at me. This feels like the princess’s magical night.

Giddy excitement surges within me, one I struggle to contain. Every time he directs that smile at me, it sends a thrill coursing through me. I can’t deny it—I want to know more about him. I need to know.

“Do you come here often?” I inquire as he leads me across the dance floor, the breeze caressing my cheeks as my heart races.

His laughter, like warm honey with an undercurrent of chamomile, envelops me, sinking deep into my senses and making me yearn for more. It’s as though the world around us fades, and there’s only the two of us dancing in a dream.

“No,” he answers, his voice a low, intimate murmur as he leans closer, his breath warm against my ear. “I hate coming here, if I’m honest.”

“That makes two of us,” I reply, my words infused with humor. As the song changes, I allow myself to melt into him, our bodies swaying to the rhythm. Devlin’s heat envelops me, sending sparks of electricity zinging between us. I wish the song would stretch on forever.

“Is it all the pompous assholes?” he asks, his question catching me off guard. “The muted scents? Or the politicians?”

I let out a soft grumble as I tilt my head back to look up at him. He’s tall, with the lean, athletic build of a swimmer. “You want me to be honest with you?” I ask, just before he smoothly spins me and then guides me back into his embrace.

My palms press against his chest, and I clutch his lapels, feeling the reassuring fabric beneath my fingers. “I always want you to be honest with me.”

His response lands like a punch in my gut, and I can’t help but lick my lips, aware of his eyes tracking the movement. His gaze is lazy yet intense, and it ignites a fiery sensation deep in my belly. “It’s the whole dynamic.”

“Explain,” he encourages, his fingers threading through mine. With that simple touch, the outside world fades into insignificance, leaving only the two of us in this grand ballroom. Just him and me, our scents mingling, our breaths harmonizing.

“One scent,” I whisper, my voice barely audible above the music, “and my entire world can change in the blink of an eye. I’ve seen firsthand what that can do. I never wanted to become a victim, losing myself to a pack of individuals who saw me not as a person, but as a prize.”

We continue to dance, our feet moving in perfect harmony. I’m drawn to Devlin in a way I can’t explain, and with every passing moment, I long to uncover more about him, to understand the enigma he presents.

Devlin’s fingers gently trace patterns on the small of my back as we sway together on the dance floor. The music shifts, wrapping us in its sultry embrace, and I find it increasingly difficult to focus on anything other than the man in front of me.

“Seraphina,” he murmurs, his voice a soft caress. “This world, our lives are complex, driven by pheromones and instinct, and sometimes…” He pauses, his eyes seeing through my entire soul. “Sometimes moments of clarity allow us to finally see what’s in front of us.”

Did he just scent mark me?

I tilt my head slightly, regarding him with curiosity, my head fuzzy and my body burning. “And what do you see?” Is that myvoice? It’s smoky and sensual. I swallow as a prickling sensation wraps around me.

He smiles, and it’s devastating, his gaze unwavering. “Right now, I see a beautiful omega I want to get to know.” His cheek brushes mine, his scent deepening until all I taste in the air between us is him. “I see what truly matters. Past the complexities of our world, I see the essence of a connection I want to unravel.”

His words resonate with me, striking a chord deep within. Devlin’s presence, his charisma, all feels so genuine. I’ve spent so long shielding my heart, but I’m tempted to let my guard down.

Or does he just have a silver tongue?

“Would you take a walk with me through the maze?” he asks, pulling back, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and longing. “I promise I just want to get to know you better. I want to learn all the intricacies that make Seraphina tick.”

His proposal hangs in the air, the weight of it pressing down on me. The maze has always been a symbol of the complexities of our world, but Devlin offers me a chance to navigate it on my own terms. It’s a risk, but one worth taking.

I smile, my heart fluttering with anticipation. “I’d love to.” The words leave my lips before I can swallow them.

I just hope I don’t regret this.



Electricity dances across my skin,igniting with every touch from Devlin. It’s an exhilarating sensation, sending sparks racing up my arm and setting my entire being ablaze. This feeling is unlike anything I’ve ever encountered, a strange mixture of warmth and elation that surges through me like a fire burning within my soul. Something lingers at the fringes of my consciousness, hinting that there’s more to this sensation than what meets the eye. My body yearns to convey a message, but I struggle to interpret it.

As foreign as this sensation may be, one thing is abundantly clear—I would willingly follow Devlin to the ends of the earth. A peculiar thrill washes over me at the mere thought, as if I’ve stumbled upon a hidden portal that promises to unlock my deepest desires.

Devlin leads me away from the bustling ballroom, and I can feel the weight of curious eyes upon us as we ascend the grand staircase. Their lingering gazes falter in the face of Devlin’s unwavering confidence, and I can’t help but stand a little taller, basking in the warmth of his admiration. At the summit of the staircase, Devlin interlaces his fingers with mine,guiding me further away from the throngs of people. The allure of the unknown is intoxicating, and my heart quickens with anticipation. Though I have no inkling of what lies ahead, I’m certain it will be nothing short of extraordinary.

We enter the atrium, a vast sanctuary adorned with elegant statues and verdant plants. The intoxicating scent of damp earth and fragrant flowers envelops my senses as we meander through the room’s breathtaking beauty. This place has been my sanctuary for as long as I can remember, a hidden gem offering respite from the demands of my everyday life. It grants me the luxury of breathing in fresh air without prying eyes. The castle’s ingenious positioning against the mountain ensures this spot’s safety, making it the perfect refuge. A cobblestone path winds its way through a riot of overgrown flowers, their leaves forming a lush canopy overhead while the soft, twinkling lights scattered about lend a magical aura to the surroundings.