As I spin around the staircase, I pause. The line at the door has vanished, replaced by the sound of laughter spilling out of the ballroom, and there, standing in the middle of the archway, is Dave. Damn my luck, because this alpha is no Prince Charming, and he sees me.

My heart races as I glance at the door. It’s as though he knows I’m ready to make a beeline for it, because he walks in my direction. Panic surges within me, but I swallow it down and plaster a smile on my face, hoping that the Fates are smiling down on me, and he can’t smell my arousal.

“There you are,” he says, smiling at me, but his smile is unsettling, as though a madman is grinning. His wild eyes hold a sliver of insanity, and my whole body rejects him as I catch the faintest scent of burnt oranges. I fight the urge to sneeze.

“Here I am,” I reply with a humorless laugh, my gaze darting around the room, avoiding his. I notice a couple of alphas at the bar in the far corner, but their heads are together, so they aren’t looking my way. Even the bartender seems disinterested.

“Are you ready for that dance now?” Dave inquires, raising a brow.

No, I’m not.

Summoning my resolve, I heave a sigh. “Yeah, let’s do this,” I mutter, eager to get it over with.

“So, Seraphina,” he says, looping his elbow in mine and leading me toward the bustling ballroom. They packed the place with people, who all talk simultaneously to be heard over the noise. “Are you a castle omega or a wild omega?” he questions, an odd inquiry that makes me feel as though he’s trying to lead me into a proverbial corner I want no part of.

“Not sure what a wild omega is...” I trail off as we step onto the dance floor. In about three seconds, he’s going to find out the answer to his question, because the castle trained me in all the fancy dances. I decide to take control of the situation and swirl around to face him, gifting him a smile that I don’t quite feel as I bow before him, lowering my eyes just enough to maintain a semblance of poise.

“A castle omega,” he purrs, and a chill runs down my spine. Every alarm bell in my head rings, but there isn’t much I can do about it as he whisks me into a dance.

His chest rumbles as he twirls me around, and I fall into the rhythm of the dance. Despite the unsettling company, I cherish this moment. I revel in having a skilled partner guide my movements and the music’s intoxicating flow that brushes against my skin as I spin.

I used to take dance lessons right here in this ballroom. During those sessions, I often daydreamed about dancing with a partner where the boundary between dance and seduction blurred.

For a brief moment, I almost forget my unease. I almost allow myself to be consumed by the pure joy of dancing, but then Dave’s voice interrupts my reverie.

“You are absolutely stunning,” he murmurs, holding me close as the world spins around us. His words bring me back to reality with a jolt, shattering the enchantment of the dance. I can only nod in response, rendered speechless by his presence.

“Tell me, Seraphina, how did I never know you lived here?” he asks as the music transitions into a slower, more intimate melody. I try to maintain distance between us, but it’s futile. I don’t want to provoke him, so I reluctantly relent.

“Well…” I pause, drawing out the word as we move toward a dimly lit corner at the far end of the ballroom. From the corner of my eye, I spot Violet conversing with the omega she befriended in line. They monitor us, especially Violet, who seems vigilant. “If I wanted someone to see me, they would. I preferred to remain invisible.”

“A beautiful omega like you shouldn’t hide,” Dave says, his warm breath on my skin. His words send shivers down my spine, but not the pleasant kind. His scent is overpowering, carrying a nauseating undertone of decay. I fight the urge to gag and shrug, looking past his shoulder and avoiding direct eye contact.

“Like I said, I didn’t want anyone to notice me,” I reply, my voice barely above a whisper.

“And here you are, the belle of the ball,” he whispers against my ear, and his tone takes on an unsettling edge, causing a wave of discomfort to wash over me.Only one more song, I tell myself as I struggle to maintain my composure. Just one more dance, and then I can escape this unsettling encounter.

I glance over his shoulder again, my eyes darting toward the other alphas who shoot him hostile glares. It’s unnerving, this silent confrontation brewing among the dominant males. They are probably wondering why he’s monopolizing my time while a line of eager omegas waits patiently for their chance to dance with potential mates.

Then, out of the blue, he steps on my foot, and pain shoots through my toes as they get crushed beneath his heel. He doesn’t seem to mind my discomfort. In fact, he seems to take some perverse pleasure in it.

Gritting my teeth, I mentally prepare myself for what’s inevitably coming next. However, to my surprise, he doesn’t insist on further contact as the song ends. Maybe the crowd serves as a deterrent to any inappropriate behavior on his part.

“Saturday, let me take you to brunch,” he purrs, his sharp nose held high and his eyes locked onto mine. “I’ll be here for you at one sharp.” He reaches for my hand again, and I can’t help but dread the possibility of him marking me once more.

Despite my unease, I flash him a polite smile, my gaze still scanning the room. “We’ll see,” I reply ambiguously, unwilling to commit to anything. The last thing I want is to be entangled with someone as unsettling as him, but I also can’t risk offending him in a room full of powerful alphas.

Luckily, Violet steps beside me and grabs my hand, spinning me to face her. “I’m starving,” she declares, not once glancing in his direction, perhaps because she isn’t as adept at concealing her feelings as I am. Her presence is a relief, as she effectively extracts me from his creepy clutches.

“I owe you a cheeseburger,” I whisper to Violet, shaking out my hand.

“Damn right you do, and fries and a strawberry milkshake.”

I wrinkle my nose at her. “Everyone knows that chocolate is the better flavor.”

She leads me to a table where the other omega, whose name I still don’t know, stands with wide eyes.

“Poppy, what’s the superior flavor?” Violet asks, halting before our new acquaintance. Poppy’s dark eyes and hair look familiar now that I’m inspecting her under the bright lights.