“There’s a new medicine on the market. It’s new, very new, but I want you to know that we’ve had amazing results with it so far. We all had so much hope when Dr. Harrington discovered this new plant in the southern hemisphere.” She beams and blushes a little.

Now, where have I heard that name before?

“What drug?” Lex grits out.

Again, Dr. Blackwood blushes. “Know that we got full consent from your parents.” She twists her hands. “It is all natural, no chemicals like we’ve tried in the past, and she’s taken to this so very well. It’s like the true Dorothea is finally emerging.”

“What drug?” Irritation crawls up my spine until my words drip with it.

“Psilocybin,” she says, her voice tinged with excitement.

“What is that?” Lex questions, his brow furrowing.

Dr. Blackwood adjusts her glasses as she explains, her enthusiasm evident in her hazel eyes. “Right, okay, so archaeologists have discovered that ancient people used this to self-medicate. We consulted a knowledgeable mage who confirmed this, and we have been monitoring all the patients in this medical trial.”

I glance at Lex, his expression a mixture of curiosity and concern. Dr. Blackwood continues her explanation, her words flowing with more clarity and detail.

“Anyway, Dr. Harrington discovered ancient texts about the use of this plant, and he went in search of it. We never thought he’d find it, as this particular strain of mushroom died in an ancient battle.”

“Mushrooms?” Lex looks hesitant, his voice filled with unease.

“Yes, it’s in the trial phases, and the laboratory is trying to replicate them, but he wanted to test this immediately,” shegushes, her excitement growing. “And I have to say, it seems to work. We put Thea through the scanners just this morning, and she beeped yellow.”

I turn to Lex, my heart hammering with a mixture of hope and fear. The sterile surroundings seem to close in on me, and I find myself yearning for a glimpse of Thea through the window in the door. I meet her gaze, and her smile, though forced, is like a beacon of hope in this clinical setting.

“Thea has always...” I begin, my voice trembling as I look through the door to see her. My emotions swirl, a chaotic mix of relief and trepidation.

Dr. Blackwood opens the door and steps inside, her demeanor more somber now. “Thea, are you finished for the day?” she questions, her voice gentle.

“I sure am.” Thea smiles as she hands over a sewing circle.

That’s when I notice it—a slight eye twitch, a subtle sign of something amiss.

A shiver rushes up my spine as I exchange a glance with Lex. Something isn’t right. Lex must sense it, too, as he quickly takes action, moving to protect me.

Before I know it, Thea raises her hand, clutching a needle, and points it at me. Lex reacts with lightning speed, knocking the needle out of her hand and restraining her on the floor.

Dr. Blackwood slams her hand on the emergency alarm as my heart pounds and my mind races to comprehend the situation.

I press my hand to my lips, my gaze fixed on Thea. Her laughter, once hopeful, now carries a haunting quality. Her eyes, which had briefly appeared clear, are now filled with unmasked insanity as they stare right at me without blinking. I don’t see an ounce of remorse in her gaze.

As the doctors rush to inject her with something to sedate her, I can’t help but reflect on Thea’s complex and troubledexistence. She has always been a little bit broken, and this new treatment may hold the key to mending her shattered mind. I just hope this isn’t a setback or seen as a failure. I want nothing more than to see my sister thrive.



Sometimes,a day just starts off on the wrong foot, and today’s one of those days, but I can’t let my cruddy morning spill into the afternoon, especially with Violet counting on me for the gala. I have be a supportive bestie, even if the idea makes me want to scream.

Dramatic? Absolutely. But hey, that’s me.

Not many things can lift my spirits after a rough morning with my siblings. Sure, there’s the classic ice cream binge, which always reminds me of Avery and brings a smile to my face, but then I end up crying because I miss him, so scratch that.

Drinking away my sorrows is an even worse idea than ice cream, and my go-to bathtub nest? Love it, but nope, not today. I made a promise, and I’m sticking to it.

“Here?” Violet raises an eyebrow as we pull up to this old-timey thrift store in downtown Central City, wedging into a diagonal parking spot. It’s Friday afternoon, and she’s eyeing the place like it’s a high-end boutique in disguise. “A thrift store, for real?”

“Nope.” I lean back, gazing through the windshield. “It’s a thrifty dress store. Big difference. All these dresses used to belong to other omegas.”