I meet my father’s eyes, a newfound resolve steadying my voice. “I have a plan. It might not be perfect, but it’s all I’ve got, and with everyone involved...” I pause, considering the weight of our actions. “We’ll make it work. We have to.”

My gaze darts around for a camera. “Ashton is making his way up the back entrance,” I whisper. Spotting one in the corner, I curse under my breath for forgetting about the ever-present surveillance.

“Oh, don’t worry about that little guy,” my dad says nonchalantly, smirking at the camera and waving his hand. “Say hello to Sven.”

“Who the hell is Sven?” I ask, utterly confused.

“You’ll meet Sven,” Dad assures me, clapping me on the shoulder with a grin. “He’s the new guy. We like Sven.”

“What?” I’m struggling to keep up.

“Sven,” he repeats, pressing his palm to my forehead as if checking for a fever. “Really, son, are you feeling alright?” Hisnostrils flare, and he pats me down. Finding the sugarplum in my pocket, he swiftly pockets it himself. “This will do.” He winks. “Alright, here’s what you’re going to do?—”

“Wait.” I raise my hand, needing a moment to process. I have been without family for so long, and now he’s just barging in, acting like some hero. It’s disorienting, to say the least.

Static crackles in the air, breaking my train of thought. “Jack is en route to the Armana suite,” a voice announces over the speaker. There’s a pause, then more static. “That sugarplum would be perfect in his tea. Looks just like sugar.”

“Jack is here?” The mention of another of my fathers, Jack—always the more serious yet laid-back one—brings a whole additional layer of complexity. Jack, Torren, and now... Sven. Sven!

Dad suddenly slams his hand on the elevator button, causing the cabin to jostle. “Come on, we have an alpha to kill.” For a brief moment, grave seriousness replaces his usual playful demeanor. “Thank you. You didn’t have to keep an eye out for us. That was our job, and we failed you.”

At hearing my father’s admission, a swell of emotions threatens to overcome me. I’m a grown alpha with my own pack, my own omega, but his words cut deep. It’s a strange feeling, wanting to break down yet knowing I can’t afford to.

“We’re sorry, Dev.” Jack’s voice comes through the speaker, his tone laced with regret. “I can’t imagine what you went through to keep us safe.”

“What you did for us,” Dad adds, “it was love in its purest, most sacrificial form. You could have found us, but you didn’t.”

Their words and apologies are a balm to wounds I didn’t fully realize I had, but there’s no time for tears, not now. There’s too much at stake, too much to be done, and with my fathers here and my pack waiting, I feel a strength I hadn’t known was there. It’s time to face what’s coming and end this once and for all.

Choking out the words, heavy with unspoken pain, I manage to say, “I couldn’t. The thought that you had more kids weighed on me. The possibility of my father discovering them haunted me, knowing he’d do to them what he did to me…” My voice trails off as emotion tightens my throat, rendering me unable to continue.

“Well, let us make up for lost time,” Jack interjects as the elevator doors open. He stands there, his grin and warm brown eyes instantly comforting me. Despite his lanky build, Jack’s presence as an alpha is commanding, his aura filling the hallway.

“Found a delta scaling a wall,” Sven’s voice crackles over the speaker.

Shaking my head, I try to ground myself in this surreal reality. Torren, meanwhile, opens the sugar packet and casually dumps its contents into the sugar bowl on the cart. “Oops, me thinks I used too much,” he says nonchalantly.

Is this a bizarre alternate reality? Everything feels off-kilter.

“Come on now, don’t I look great in this uniform?” Jack twirls, showcasing the bellhop outfit.

“You’re wearing a bellhop uniform,” I point out, still trying to process everything happening around me.

“Yes, and twenty bucks says he doesn’t even notice,” Jack replies, then his tone turns serious. “I can bring this in, but it’ll be up to you to make sure your dad uses the sugar.”

I swallow hard, nodding. Are they really plotting to just end him?

“Let’s go,” Jack says with a whistle, striding down the hall.

I pause for a moment, then turn to Torren. “I’ll be right here,” he assures me, stepping out of the elevator. He opens a newspaper and casually strolls toward a couch in the hall, whistling nonchalantly.

Realizing I’m not alone, I find my resolve strengthening. I follow Jack, keeping my pace even and casual.

“Room service,” Jack singsongs at the door.

My father opens it, his gaze immediately landing on me. He seems to look right through Jack, not recognizing him as a former packmate. “Son,” he grunts at me. To Jack, without even a glance, he says dismissively, “Set it inside. Ignore the screams.” He chuckles darkly. “Sometimes omegas don’t know what they want.”

As I step fartherinto the room, the scene before me is nothing like I expected. My mother isn’t screaming or distressed. Instead, she sits calmly in the corner, casually filing her nails.