A tear escapes, rolling down my cheek. I press my hands against my face, resting my elbows on my thighs, as I fight to breathe.

“No, no,” I exhale sharply, reining in my emotions. I can’t let my mind wander, not until I have undeniable proof. Until it’s irrefutable that Thea is behind all that’s gone wrong, I refuse to believe it. I’ll hold on to doubt until there’s no other choice.

The memory of my parents approving Thea’s new medication strikes me hard. At the time, it seemed logical, even though they understood her troubled nature and the challenges she was born with. The last time I spoke to them, they insisted the institution was her best chance for a better life. They wanted to see her improve, yet they handed her care over to Lex and me.

Rushing to get dressed, I nearly trip over my feet, pulling on the fleece leggings, thermals, and bulky sweater. The socks are thick and warm, and they match the boots on the floor. Slipping them on, I don’t even bother to tie them before flinging the door open. There, across the hall, sits Devlin.

“What’s wrong?” Devlin asks, rising from the floor. He hasn’t showered yet and looks disheveled, but his attention sharpens as I pause at the threshold, my wet hair dripping onto my sweater.

“Where’s Max?” I ask, stepping into the hall, probably looking a bit wild.

“Everyone was showering, and then we planned to meet in the kitchen to decide our next steps,” he explains. “What’s up?”

“I need to do this just once,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady. “Where’s my phone?”

“Do what?” He retrieves it from his pocket and hands it to me. “You left it lying around.”

“Just one of my quirks,” I reply, ignoring his question and cradling the phone to my chest. I lean up on my tiptoes and give him a quick kiss on the corner of his lips, feeling his stubble before pulling away. “Come on, I need to confirm something.”

I rush toward the kitchen, heart pounding, trying not to trip over my untied laces. Miraculously, I make it without incident. Skidding into the kitchen, I open my phone and call my parents, hitting the speakerphone button.

As the phone rings, Max and Ashton turn toward me. Avery walks in from the garage, bundled up from head to toe.

“Seraphina, sweetheart? Is that you?” My mom’s lyrical voice washes over me, a reminder of my childhood and the very reason for this call.

“It’s me, Mom,” I say, tasting the bitterness of adrenaline.

“How are you? Are you safe from the snow? Parts of Terra have lost electricity, but we’re okay here,” she rambles on.

Knowing I need to interrupt her or she’ll just keep going, I cut in. “Ma, did you approve a new medicine for Dorothea?”

“Goodness no,” she scoffs.

At her response, Max’s eyes widen. In two strides, he takes the phone from my hand. “Omega Cicero,” he greets formally. “This is Dr. Harrington, one of Dorothea’s physicians.”

I hear a sigh from my mom over the phone, and in the background, one of my fathers murmurs something, prompting a hush from her. “What has she done now?”

Avery can’t suppress a snort, shaking his head ruefully and scattering snow everywhere.

“I just need to confirm that you didn’t approve her new treatment,” I press.

“Why would I?” Mom’s voice tinges with irritation. “I gave that girl all my love, and she still turned out... broken.” Her sigh, heavy with guilt and defeat, echoes through the line.

This isn’t the moment to delve into her parenting.

Max, with a murmured urgency, asks, “Who approved the treatment?” His eyes meet mine, searching for an answer I don’t have.

I shake my head helplessly. “Did anyone from the institute call?”

“Not a single soul,”Mom replies firmly. “Seraphina, what’s happening?” Concern threads through her voice before she rushes on. “I know Thea doesn’t deserve your love, but please, put yourself first. Whatever she’s done, let the deltas handle it. I hear you’ve found a pack.” The hope in her voice almost overwhelms me.

I can’t bring myself to burden her further with Thea’s deeds. “Don’t worry, Mom, I’m putting myself first.”

I’m still determined to find Lex.

Her sigh of relief is almost tangible. “If you’re with Dr. Harrington, does that mean...” She trails off, realization dawning.

“Omega Cicero,” Max attempts to interject.