“If you don’t, we might lose her,” Ashton interjects, his voice steadier now.

“And if I do, she might never forgive us,” Max counters, a tear splattering against my face.

Is he crying?

Leaning down, Max kisses my neck, his canines grazing my skin. “Accept our bite, Seraphina Cicero. Accept us, and we will spend the rest of our lives making this up to you.”

A slight whimper escapes me at his promise of a lifetime together.

Damn right, they’ll make it up to me.

“Allowus to make amends and explain,” he continues, kissing my throat again. “Know that only an emergency could pull us from your side.”

A woman was an emergency?

In the background, I hear the others arguing.

“I love you, sugarplum. Please, live for me, live for us,” he chokes out, tears spilling onto my neck.

Oh, what the hell. “Yes,” I whisper, or at least I think I do. My thoughts must have voiced it.

Max’s canines sink into my skin, his venom, the essence that binds us, seeping into my veins. Our auras blend together, flooding me with a spectrum of emotions from the pack. This is the magic of a bond, the power only an alpha wields.

I gasp, feeling my heartbeat strengthening in my chest. My eyes snap open, and I clutch the sheets, a cry of pain escaping me, echoed by choked sobs around us.

Max holds me close, his hands warming my icy skin as the bond invigorates my system. I shudder, overwhelmed by their grief, love, and horror at what happened, their conflicted emotions over their decisions, and the unseen antagonist in our story.

Every beat of my heart pulses their feelings into my veins.

As the intensity subsides, Max gently licks the wound and pulls back, tears streaming down the face of my stoic scientist.

He whispers apologies, kissing my cheeks repeatedly. “I’m so sorry I left you.”

My body still feels heavy, not fully recovered, even as the bond settles behind my sternum. My eyes are open, but all I can focus on is the glaringly white ceiling, too bright for my eyes. Breathing becomes my sole focus as sensation returns to my limbs, a painful process reminiscent of thawing after hours in the snow.

“You owe me a snow day,” I croak out, my voice rough and dry. I clear my throat, my tongue feeling like sandpaper in my parched mouth.

Max responds with a laugh, kissing my eyelids gently, a sweetness that almost stings.

“Princess.” Devlin’s voice envelops me, the bed dipping under his weight as he settles beside me. “Will you accept my bite?”

“Yes,” I reply, turning my gaze toward him and blinking slowly. He leans in, his lips brushing softly against mine.

His breath warms my skin, his canines grazing my neck before sinking in. Again, a flood of emotions, thoughts, and images bombard me.

Nobody prepared me for what this feels like. It’s overwhelming and nearly too much to bear, but there’s potency in the bite, a sense of Devlin’s resolve to make everything right.

As the bond deepens, I’m not just feeling their love, I’m living it through their eyes. Each one of them holds a unique view of me that intertwines beautifully into a tapestry of affection. Through Max’s eyes, I’m seen as a pillar of strength, unwavering and resilient. Ashton’s gaze reflects a vision of me imbued with an inspiring light, vibrant and full of life.

Devlin offers a perspective where I am the essential heart of our group, a sense of belonging that resonates deeply. Through Avery’s eyes, there’s a playful spark, a recognition of my vivacious spirit that’s both exhilarating and heartwarming. He sees me as a whirlwind of joy and mischief, a free spirit that binds our pack with laughter and spontaneity.

Their love really shapes who I am in so many ways, making me feel more whole and beautiful than I ever thought possible. Every little bit of our shared life feels like a warm hug of love and understanding, giving me this awesome feeling of being complete and truly belonging.

Above all, I understand what happened. I’m not sure I’m ready to forgive them just yet, and I push that sentiment back through the bond with a mental nudge. I am definitely willing to let them grovel. A lot. So much groveling. Even though I know I was being hormonal, one of them should have stayed with me.

Max pulls back, lapping at the wound to remove traces of blood, then he lifts me into his arms. His need to touch and cradle me is overwhelming. He brings me to the head of the bed where all of them huddle close, warming me.

The bond weaves through my system, almost like magic, pulsing into every inch of my being. It churns and pulses until it locks in place behind my sternum.