I shook my head. “First time.”
“Oh.” She seemed to think about my response before her eyes met mine again. “Is there a different winery you usually go to?”
“Have you been to the B&B we’re staying at before?”
“Never stepped foot in a bed and breakfast until last night—unless you count the Hilton Garden Inn since they technically give you a bed, along with a free breakfast in the lobby the next morning.”
Again, she considered my answer. “What made you bring me here then?”
I shrugged. “Seemed like something you’d like.”
“It is.” She smiled. “Thank you.”
We went back to gliding around the dance floor in silence. But Josie had the type of brain that didn’t turn off so easily. Not even with the help of a little wine. She looked up at me. “Fox?”
“Are we…more than just sex now?”
“I don’t know, Jos. Do we need to put a label on it?”
She sighed. “No, I guess not. I guess I just like to compartmentalize things.”
I hated the look of disappointment on her face. “What comes after sex?” I asked.
I chuckled. “I meant in your compartments. You’ve got sex and just having fun at one end and married at the other, right? What comes in between?”
“Oh. A relationship is somewhere in the middle, I guess.”
“What comes before that?”
“I don’t know. Dating, maybe?”
“How about we call it that? Dating.”
“Okay.” She smiled. “I never really thought about all the different stages. But I would think dating is somewhere between hooking up and an exclusive relationship.”
My eyes narrowed. “So dating means you can see other people?”
“I would think so. If we’re keeping it casual.”
The thought of her with someone else made me feel like chewing up an imaginary guy’s teeth and spitting them out. “Then we’re adding a new compartment. Exclusive dating.”
“Really? You don’t want to see other people?”
“Are you good with that?”
She nodded. “I’m not really someone who can date more than one person at a time anyway. Besides, then maybe we can forego the condoms. I think they contributed to my soreness last weekend. If you’re good with that, I mean. I had a checkup after I found out Noah was cheating, so I know I’m clean.”
I stopped in my tracks. “Are you on the pill?”
“No, but I have an IUD.”
I bent down and wedged my shoulder into her belly. When I stood, Josie flopped over my shoulder. She screeched while laughing. “What are you doing?”