“Greyson, I’m at work!” I can’t believe what he’s asking me to do.

“Do it, sweet girl.” I gulp, how would anyone know?

I let out a quiet moan when my finger grazed my clit, “I’m so wet, Greyson.” I hear what I think is a zipper, and then his breathing picks up.

“Are you touching yourself?” I ask in disbelief.

“I can’t help it; I am so hard thinking about you with your finger rubbing your pussy. I want you to rub yourself until you are about to come, but don’t; you know the rules. Your orgasms are mine. But I still want to hear you.” I rub more, moaning more. I’m spurred on by the sound of Greyson fisting himself. We continue like this for some time.

“I wish I could see you getting yourself off; I want you to fuck my face,” I say breathlessly.

“Jesus, sweet girl, I love it when you talk like that.” I can hear him working himself harder.

“Harder, Greyson, Come for me.” I’m getting close.

“Fuck, Anna,” he says, letting out a series of grunts. They tell me he’s just finished.

“You better stop, sweet girl. You’ll have a visitor in about five minutes. You don’t want them to know what you were doing, do you?” I stop, fine. I just need to think of a way to get him back. And thanks to Chloe at the shop across town and an extended lunch break, I think I know just what to do.

I finish pulling myself together just as a knock resonates on my door. I open it and see a delivery boy holding a big bouquet of red roses. I sign for them and read the note.

‘Open up, sweet girl.’ My thighs clench at the double meaning.

I pick up the box and open it. My breath hitches, and inside, nestled in satin, is a pearl necklace. I stare at it for a minute until my phone dings with a text notification. It only goes off at work when it’s Greyson, so I look at it.

‘I sent the kids to dinner and a movie on me; when I get home at five, I want you in bed wearing nothing but the pearls.’


It’s been two months since we sat in this office; it seems like a lifetime ago. Things between Anna and me are better than they have ever been. We just got back from a four-day, three-night cruise; we went to Mexico, something we always said we would do. And we finally prioritized it.

And since this is the two-month anniversary of our taking the first step to fix us, I have something planned for Anna tonight. It’s her week to pick dinner, but per our agreement, a special occasion doesn’t outweigh it.

We went out last night to this new Mexican place. The tacos were to die for, but I decided for tonight I would hire a personal chef. I coordinated with Melody; she did the grocery shopping, and she’ll stay until I text her from the car. She said she would clean the kitchen after the chef left. So when we get home, we have a fancy dinner waiting for us.

I focus back on Dr. Parker, Anna is telling her a little about the trip we just got back from. She may sound pretty vague, but we barely left the room. We spent so much time talking and making love that we slowed things down a lot on the cruise and just came back together.

Dr. Parker turns to me and says, “How about you, Mr. Edwards? Anything to add?”

“Not really, things have gotten a lot better; I feel like insecurities aren’t an issue anymore.” Anna blushes, and Ismirk. She got over that real fast, after a few dinner dates with her toy.

“And the communication is better than ever. You were right; once you are comfortable talking about something as intimate as sex, everything else is just easy.” I shrug. “It wasn’t that sex was our only problem, but it made us realize that as we both grew over the years, our wants and needs shifted. It helped us realize that it was okay that they did.” I look at Anna and grab her hand.

“I had no idea that my lack of help around the house was such a big problem. I thought I was helping her by keeping the kids busy while she did housework. But now we have an amazing housekeeper who comes twice a week, and just that alone has opened up so much more time for us, as a couple.”

She smiles and says, “That’s great to hear.”

Anna goes on to tell her about our weekly date nights and her feelings about the last two months. “Grey summed it up perfectly. Making more time for each other yet prioritizing time apart has made the empty nest less daunting.”

With that, Dr.Parker sends us on our way and tells us that if anything changes, her doors are always open.

I send Melody a text to let her know we are on our way. She lets me know everything is in order, and she’s headed out. I take Anna’s hand in mine. She looks cute in her summer wrap dress. She has her hair up in a ponytail and her makeup done in a pink smokey look.

On the way home, we make small talk; it doesn’t take long to get home. We park in the garage, and we head inside.

“I’m going to go get comfortable before I cook dinner, okay?” She asks as he heads straight for the stairs.

“Okay,” I call after her.