She informed me they were in the bag with the lingerie I had already purchased, and she rang us up. I can honestly say that having someone so comfortable and outgoing working there made the entire experience so much easier for me.

After I got in the car, Grey decided that since I got him a surprise, he was going to get me one too. So he made me stay in the car while he ran back in. I have a sneaky suspicion he went back for the clamps, and I’m here for it.

By the time we get home, it’s about lunchtime, so we just heat the leftovers and relax for the rest of the day. Grey decided to watch some movies and insisted that we cuddle. No, ‘hanky panky’ as he called it. So I read a little. Now that it’s time for me to start getting ready, I head upstairs.

I know I took a shower earlier, but I like how long my perfume lasts after I shower and use the matching lotion. Also, I want to shave; I haven’t been on top of it lately.

As the shower heats up, I grab my dry brush to exfoliate and change the blade on my razor. By the time I’m done, there is steam billowing out of the shower. I turn the water down a little and step in. I like to have the steam when I shave; I feel like I get a closer, smoother result.

Once I’m out and dried off, I grab my body oil mist. I spray my legs and rub it in, then do the same on my arms and upper chest. I wrap myself in the towel again and turn the fan on to help with the steam. I apply my skincare. I had grabbed some black lace panties, and a matching bra on my way into the bathroom, so I put those on and slipped my robe on. Next, I put my lotion on my legs and arms, and I add a spritz of my perfume to my wrists and sides of my neck while the lotion is still damp. It’s my little trick to make the scent last longer.

Now all I have left is my makeup and hair. Then I’ll get dressed, and I will be all set. I decided to do a soft brown smokeyeye, not too dramatic, a nude blush, and a red lip. I want him to think about my mouth all night.

Once my hair is curled in soft waves, I step out into the bedroom, pass the bed, and head to the closet. I grab my black knee-length dress. The neckline is my favorite; it is plunging almost to the belly button, but it has a black mesh that is dark enough that you can only see a hint of my skin underneath. That part comes to a softer v; it’s high enough to be acceptable for a nice dinner but low enough that I know where Greyson’s eyes will be all night. I paired it with a pair of red heels. I know they will look good with the outfit I got today.

I turn and go to place the dress on the bed. And I see a box and a note next to it. I must have missed it when I came out of the bathroom.

‘I want you to wear this for me tonight. Be a good girl and try to stay quiet at dinner. -G.’

I opened the lid to find the other toy I was looking at. The one that has the magnet to stay in my panties. I attach it to my panties and make sure it’s positioned right, then slip into my dress and heels. As I walk to the full-length mirror to check my reflection, something is missing.

I go to my jewelry box and look for some earrings, and I find the diamond studs he got me for our tenth wedding anniversary. I put them in as I walk to the mirror once more.

Tucking my hair behind one ear to see the earrings, and that’s it. My hair should be pinned to show my ear and one side of my neck. I pin the left side back, behind my ear, and off my shoulder, letting it cascade in waves on the other side and down my back. I haven’t looked in the mirror and felt as sexy as I do now in a long time.

I add one more layer of red lipstick and tuck it into my clutch. I’m going to have to reapply before we get to the restaurant with what I have planned for my dear husband.


I’m waiting for Anna to come downstairs so we can meet her boss and her date. I never know if it will be a man or a woman she’ll bring for dinner.

I chose a dark blue button-down and black slacks. I left the top button undone; I know how she likes that. I also took a little time to style my hair tonight; it’s just a little messy. I like the look when I just take a little gel and run my hands through it.

While Anna was in the shower, I decided to set out the surprise I had gotten her at the shop. The lady who helped us also gave me a couple of suggestions, and I took them. But right now, all I can think about is what my wife will think of the little note I left her. I am currently sitting in the living room on the sofa, and I want to be able to see her the moment she walks down the stairs.

I poured myself a little bourbon while I waited. I am leaning back, one arm over the back of the couch, and my left ankle is crossed over my knee. The glass is in my left hand, and I’m swirling it slightly. When I finally hear her steps; she’s making her way down the hallway. I finally get a jaw-dropping view of her when she’s about halfway down the stairs.

I swear my brain short circus when I see her. Sure, we’ve gone out to nice places during the rough patch, but this is the first time in a long time. I know for sure she is dressed up for me.And not just because of the type of place we are going. She made sure she was irresistible to me.

She makes it to the bottom of the stairs before I can make any move other than to openly gawk at her.

“Is something wrong? Do I not look okay?” She starts to nervously rub her hands down the front of her dress, like it has wrinkles she’s trying to work out. “Is it the dress? It’s too much, isn’t it? I should go change.” She turns to go back up the stairs.

I clear my throat as my heart breaks a little. When had this woman lost her confidence? When did she stop believing I found her breathtakingly beautiful? I frown as I stand to walk over to her, probably around the time I stopped trying.

“Don’t you fucking dare change. You look ravishing as you are.” I make it to her in record time to stop her. I deposit my drink on the kitchen island and drop to my knees in front of her, causing her breath to hitch.

I run my hand up the back of her bare calf and look up at her. “Your beauty brings me to my knees, just as it did when we met, and on our wedding day, and every day in between.” I recite the words I told her on our wedding night before we consummated our marriage and the same words I told her moments before she became my sweet girl.

“Anna, I am so sorry if I ever made you feel anything less than that. I’m sorry I doubted you. I’m sorry I stopped trying with you. Most of all, I’m sorry I gave up; I lost faith in us.” The last words crack as emotion clogs my throat.

“Oh, Greyson.” She looks down at me with tears in her eyes. Then she drops to her knees in front of me, our thighs brushing as she wraps her arms around my neck, and kisses me. It’s tender, slow, and full of love.

“I’m sorry too; I got so caught up in work with the kids in school. I needed the distraction from the quiet house. Then wehad those couple of years where things were so tight financially,” she says, bringing her hand up to wipe her lipstick off my lips.

“I saw how stressed you were, and it took you away from the kids and away from me. I started to work harder to help you so we wouldn’t have to worry. And I guess along the way I lost sight of why I’d started working so much, to have you home more,” she sniffles, and I wipe a stray tear from her cheek.

I wrap my arms around her waist, pull her impossibly close to me, and bury my face into her neck. “Thank you for helping take the stress off of me. At times, I thought you were working so hard because you were embarrassed by how little we had and how much we struggled. It never crossed my mind that you did it for me. Oh god, Anna, I love you so damned much.” Tears burn my eyes as she just holds me. It’s not often I need her strength, but like always, she is there for me when I need her most.