“You have to believe me. What do you want? Money? I’ve got money. I have loads of it. Don’t hurt me,” Paul begs. This fucking dick thinks I want money. No amount of cash can replace what he did to Birdie, never mind the rest of his victims.

“Don’t want your fucking money.” Lawson looks at me. I told him it was going to be me who did the dirty work. I wanted him to be beaten the same way Birdie was, and I’m going to be the one to deliver it.

“What do you want, then?” he asks,dumbfounded. Fucking hell, this piece of shit thinks money can buy him everything. No wonder he is the way he is. Whenever he fucks up, daddy sweeps up the pieces.

“You’ll find out soon enough.” My fist rears back and goes flying, hitting him right in the nose. Blood spills out. I’m going to have to clean myself up after this.

“Stop, stop, help!” he tries to cry out. Lawson steps into the fold, no longer needing to hold the prick since he’s cowering like the little fuckwad he is.

“I want the names of each one of your victims, starting with the most recent.” I stand back, letting Lawson get a few licks in. He goes after his stomach, and Paul makes a noise like he’s going to throw up. I’ve had a few tussles with Lawson. It’s a wonder Paul is still coherent. He doesn’t fuck around; neither do I, for that matter.

“Shit, he’s pissed himself,” Lawson says. I smirk. This guy is a gradeApussy.

“I bet he’ll shit himself next,” I say.

“I’ll tell you. Wait! I’ll tell you everything.” Barely into this, and he’s ready to give it all up. Shit, I wish we had this information. I’d have prevented Birdie from being hurt, then I’d have packed her stuff and brought her home.

“Start talking.” Paul is on the ground, curled into a ball, and for each name he gives, my foot finds a place on his body to kick. I’m going to leave him as black and blue as he left Birdie and,with any luck, a fuck of a lot more broken. The rest we’ll have to leave up to Fletch. It sucks, but doing this the right way is the only way to do it. That way, he can’t hurt another person ever again, and if he does, well, I’ll be back to finish the job.



“Thank God.”I sit up in bed. Rocky jumps off the bed when he hears Lane opening the front door. His little happy yip echoes through the quiet house, and I hear Lane talk to him as he walks down what I’m assuming is the hall, judging by the cadence in his voice. Last night, sleep did not come. I tossed and turned, fluffed the pillows, and moved the covers back and forth. Nothing helped. Not counting sheep, not turning on the television, and scrolling on my phone didn’t help either. Instead, I got out of bed, went to the couch, and read until I dozed off, only to be woken up by the sun rising. There was no text or call from Lane, which only made my stomach tighten worse with worry. It wasn’t until earlier this evening that he sent me a message saying they were on their way home and my surprise was with him.

“Birdie, you awake?” Lane asks as he walks through the door, the light in the living room glowing behind him. He’s stepping out of his boots and pulling his shirt off at the same time. I flip the light on, wanting to see him completely, to make sure he’s home in one piece.

“I am now.” I tuck my legs beneath me, cross the bed on my knees, and meet Lane at the edge of the bed. In true fashion, I’m only wearing one of his shirts, sans anything beneath. My eyes take him in, starting from the hair on his head down to his face to his now bare chest. His arms are unmarked, and since Lane is unbuttoning his jeans, I’ll soon have him completely naked to my gaze. “You’re okay?” I ask, taking the fullest and deepest breath since figuring out what he and Lawson had set out to do. The car ride home from my mom’s to Lane’s, excuse me,ourhouse was quiet for a moment after Russell Johnson delivered the news to me and his wife. It was succinct, direct, and no nonsense. What I didn’t expect to happenhappened. Catherine Johnson is not a woman to be messed around with when it comes to her babies. It didn’t matter that Lawson was her oldest and Lane was her youngest, varying from thirty-seven to twenty-seven. She grabbed her purse from her lap and repeatedly smacked Russell with it. She was fighting mad, telling him how stupid it was to let them go off after someone like Paul. She was beyond unhappy, and the feeling was and still is entirelymutual. It also sucks to know that everyone knows what happened to me. I get that I’m part of the family, plus Catherine is friends with my mom. Still, it sucked. This is new to me, having a big family. No longer is it only Mom and me. There’s Tully, Lane, and with them come all these amazing people who band together, hold you at your weakest, and have no problem fighting your darkest battles.

“I’m okay, Birdie. I’d be a lot better if you lost the tee.”

“Is that right? And are we just going to ignore the elephant in the room?” The tips of my fingers find the hem of my shirt and slowly start pulling it up my body.

“Later, much later.” Lane replaces my hands as he steps out of his jeans. He’s impatient tonight. My shirt is ripped off my body in one fell swoop, and Lane’s lips are on mine in a hurry. We’re a mess of hands and limbs, both of us needing one another. I’m on my back in a minute, but that’s not what I want. I wiggle until I’m on my stomach, getting on my knees and showing Lane how I want him to take me.

“Fuck yeah, you want your ass played with tonight, don’t you, Birdie?” His hand squeezes the cheek of my ass, and I widen my stance, arching my back a little bit more.

“Yes, please. God, please.” His thumb presses on the tight fissure, applying pressure, and I know he won’t fuck me there tonight.That’s completely okay. The lube isn’t within reaching distance, and neither is my toy, but the fullness of him playing with my back entrance while he takes me with his cock is indescribable.

“Whatever my baby wants.” I feel the head of his cock at my entrance, and I push back. I’m tired of waiting. He was gone last night, and yesterday morning is too far away for my liking. “Impatient tonight, are we?” Lane questions, except he’s moving his hips, setting a rhythm with me. Every time he pulls out, I push back, his thumb going deeper, giving the perfect fullness when both his dick and finger are inside of me at the same time.

“Stop talking and start fucking,” I groan. My hands grip the bedsheets. I’m not going to last, not with the way he’s working me up.

“Woman,” Lane grunts, his cock pistoning in and out of my wetness. The hand not working my ass slides up my spine. My whole body trembles when Lane’s fingers thread through my hair, pull it back, and in doing so, I see stars.

“Yes, Lane. God, yes, right there,” I beg for more. Thankfully, Lane knows what I need without me having to describe it. With each slam of his hips, my body gets tighter. My core aches for the release, yet doesn’t want the intensity to end.

“Oh yeah, you’re there, Birdie. Let go. Fly for me and fucking take me with you.” His voice is choppy. Each deep breath he takes is in tune withhis thrusting. I close my eyes, tipping my head back farther, and Lane gets the message. He tightens his hold and tugs on the tresses. Stars explode behind my eyes. White static noise tries to cloud Lane saying my name, but I shake my head. I don’t want to miss that, ever.

“Birdie,” he utters. I lose his thumb in my ass but feel each jet of cum spurt inside me.

“I love you, Lane.” I drop to the bed, feeling Lane plaster his body to mine, cocooning me with himself.

“Love you, Birdie, always.” He kisses the side of my neck, and damn, I am the luckiest girl in all the world with Lane by my side, forever.