Gazing out to the ocean as Jack holds my hands in his, I imagine my parents, Uncle John, and my grandma and grandpa bobbing in the surf like they’re astride surfboards. I sense them smiling and waving at me in approval of my choice today.
“You may add your own words,” the judge says.
“Dear Brynne,” Jack begins. “Like the judge says, this is just a ceremony. Marriage is in our hearts – not the glitz and all the bells and whistles. I wanted to gather everyone I could think of to declare my love for you. I would marry you a thousand times over.”
The judge sighs.
Jack quickly adds, “Without ruining any more golf times.”
The crowd chuckles.
“You already have the ring,” Jack says reaching into his pants pocket. “This is the other part of my commitment to you.” Jack drops the keys to the inn, even though I don’t need them. Their symbolism is so intense. So sweet. A tear meanders down my cheek. He wipes it from me. He hands me the costume ring I gave him earlier and holds steady.
“Repeat after me,” the judge orders. “With this ring, I thee wed.”
“With this ring, I thee wed,” I mimic.
“With these keys I thee wed,” he directs Jack, again invoking soft rolling laughter from our audience.
“With these keys, I thee wed,” Jack repeats.
The judge continues, “From the power invested in me by the California Courts, I now pronounce you married.”
Jack draws me into his arms, hovering over me, softly singing the words to the song he sang to welcome me home.
“Somethings they happen for the first time,” he says. “But I can’t remember where or when.”
“Now,” I murmur. “They happen right now.” I tiptoe up and brush my lips to his, sealing our love.
The End